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Cup Of Faith Daily Devotional 14 October 2022 – Beware Of Political Deception

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TOPIC: Beware Of Political Deception

BIBLE TEXT: “Jesus warned His disciples saying, “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.” – Luke 21:8

Political deception is the act of politicking involving lies, self-presentation, false promises, fabrications and so on to distract and keep people waiting for solutions in a political system. Deception as a political tool is as old as politics itself. The use of lying on a grand scale was first demonstrated almost a century ago by leaders such as Stalin and Hitler who coined the term “big lie” in 1925 and rose to power on the lie that Jews were responsible for Germany’s defeat in World War I. For the German and Russian dictators, lying was not merely a habit or a convenient way of sanding down unwanted facts but an essential tool of government.

Writing in the New York Times, Andrew Higgins observes that; “A readiness, even enthusiasm, to be deceived in recent years has become a driving force in politics around the world, notably in countries… governed by populist leaders, adept at shaving the truth or inventing it outright.”

According to Kalderon, “Politicians have a personality that allows them to be evasive, to live with lies and keep a straight face…” Many politicians are narcissists and their arrogance and sense of self-importance lead them to believe that they can do what they want. If they have to lie to get what they want, so be it. The political culture considers it perfectly acceptable to massage facts to fit the desired narrative. As a citizen, it is a crime to lie to the government but it is just politics for the government to lie to the people.

Despite the fact that political deception has led to wars, famines, genocides, and countless other atrocities around the world, politicians have never ceased to tell lies. More irritating is the fact that many people give politicians a pass to lie. This confirms what Niccolo Machiavelli observed, saying that ”…one who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.” Because many people don’t want to hear the bitter truth, politicians tell voters what they want to hear. They hear what they want to hear, and the politicians keep them on their side.

Beloved of God, to be forewarned is to before harmed. In today’s text, Jesus warns His disciples against liars and deceivers who parade themselves as the saviour. It’s another season of political campaign. Many politicians will come parading themselves as Christ when indeed they are the devil incarnate. They will promise heaven and earth even when it is obvious that they have nothing to offer. It is our responsibility to ‘shine our eyes’ so we may not be deceived. As believers, we should neither yield nor subject ourselves to the lies of men and the deceit of the devil. Therefore, watch out! Don’t follow them, says the Lord Jesus Christ.


I pray for you today:

  1. May the Lord bless you with the Spirit of sound judgement in the name of Jesus.
  2. He will deliver us from the bondage of political deception.
  3. In the world of politics, truth will override deception.
  4. The Lord will bring to an end the reign of deceivers and terminate the rule of liars.
  5. Afflictions shall not rise the second time

So shall it be be in Jesus name. Amen.

Happy weekend.


Yours in Christ,
Revd Dr. Bayo Sola Aremu
Church pastor
Yaba Baptist Church
Sabo-Yaba, Lagos

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