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Cup Of Faith Daily Devotional 1 October 2022 – Freedom Indeed

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TOPIC: Freedom Indeed

BIBLE TEXT: JOHN 8: 31-32, 36

“ To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”…So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

Freedom is a powerful word, it is a driving concept. Men have fought battles, gone to war, and sacrificed greatly to gain freedom for themselves or their country.

Freedom is a word that rings in many places today, just as it rang in the struggle to become an independent nation in 1960. The October 1st holiday celebrates this victory. The fight for independence from tyranny and oppression began with individuals who were willing to give their lives for freedom. This includes the right to worship God without interference, the right to think and speak freely, to share ideas, and most importantly to live under a just government.

Unfortunately today, many people have a much different idea as to the meaning of true freedom. To many people, freedom means the opportunity to do whatever they want and whenever they want it done. To them, freedom is a life without any restraint, an attitude that says, “I can do anything I want to do and say anything I want to say, without anybody telling me what to do.” This is narrow-minded and insufficient to describe the true meaning of the word freedom.

Millions of unborn are murdered each year and it’s called the freedom to choose. Pornography fills magazines, movie screens, and the Internet and they call it freedom. Cults are formed and the truth of God is twisted or replaced with the theology of man and it is called freedom. Immoral lifestyles are promoted as the freedom to marry. Much more can be added to the list. It is obvious that our society has turned freedom into license and instead of freedom, people get more enslaved. For these many people, their pursuit of freedom has resulted in even greater slavery.

True freedom is found in the person of Jesus Christ as revealed in today’s text. The whole essence of the gospel of Christ is nothing but freedom. All He did on the cross of Calvary, His death and resurrection, is for the emancipation of humanity. Like the historical Moses, God sent Jesus to deliver the world from sin and evil. Therefore any kind of freedom that promotes sin and evil is no freedom.

Beloved of God, at such a time like this when we celebrate another Independence, a message of freedom in Christ is one we must share with the world. This presents an opportunity to remind ourselves of the true freedom we have in Christ if truly we believe in Him and do His will. We should continue to allow the liberating Spirit of the Lord to work in us, moving us to strive unselfishly for the freedom of all irrespective of racial, social, or economic background.


I pray for you today

  1. May the Lord deliver you from every form of bondage in the name of Jesus.
  2. You will experience genuine freedom in Christ
  3. The Lord will set this
    nation free from the shackles of oppression
  4. He will terminate the reign of sin and evil
  5. Today, I speak the word of true freedom into your situation and this nation

So shall it be in the name of Jesus.

Happy Independence.

Enjoy your weekend


Yours in Christ,
Revd Dr. Bayo Sola Aremu
Church pastor
Yaba Baptist Church
Sabo-Yaba, Lagos

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