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ASUU Strike: I’ll hand off universities if elected, says SDP candidate

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Adewole Adebayo, the presidential flag-bearer of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), says he would ensure that government forgo the running the universities if he is elected in 2023.

Commenting on the face-off between the federal government and the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in Abuja, Mr Adebayo noted that the running of universities should be the sole responsibility of universities’ councils.

The presidential hopeful argued that poor governance and endemic corruption were central to the continued inability of the feuding parties to resolve their differences to save the education sector.

He said that allowing governing councils to control universities’ funds would give the institutions the freedom to run their affairs in learning and research.

Mr Adebayo described the recurring ASUU strikes as “a showdown between ASUU and contractors in government”, lamenting the negative impact of the endless strikes.

He also promised to establish 360 unity schools across the states to cater to secondary education.

The presidential candidate said the party had no plan to merge or forge an alliance with any other political party, even though the SDP appears to have limited scope and influence in the current political landscape.

“We’re underdogs, but we will never enter an alliance or merge with any other party in the current scheme of things,” he said, disclosing that the party would soon spring surprises that would amaze political watchers.

He said that the party had come a long way, having won a previous presidential election that was later annulled by a former military ruler, Ibrahim Babangida, in 1993.

According to Mr Adebayo, the SDP remains the best party to rescue Nigeria from its current economic, political and social woes.

On the pervading insecurity in the country, Mr Adebayo said Nigeria needed good governance to tackle the problem decisively.

“What Nigeria needs is good governance. We should elect a good government that understands our diversity as a nation,” he stated, pointing out that anarchists were using terror to create nationwide confusion.

Mr Adebayo also lamented what he described as the persistent stealing of Nigeria’s crude oil offshore, saying that money made from oil sales would be housed as special funds to discourage corruption and stealing of such resources.

He said he would give special attention to ginger farming in the country to generate up to $20 million annually from the product and give employment and sustained livelihood to farmers and the teeming populace.