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Zoe Saldana Sets Historic Box Office Milestone That No Actor Has Ever Achieved

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As Avatar: The Way of Water hits the $2 billion box office milestone, veteran actress Zoe Saldana received a rare accomplishment that makes her stand out from her Hollywood peers.


On top of Saldana’s impressive resume of crossing fandoms like the Avatar, Star Trek, and Marvel universes (the latter of which she would not be too upset to not be called back for), the actress also finds herself among one of the highest-grossing actors.

Several stars from the Marvel Cinematic Universe are in the top three, namely Robert Downey Jr. ($14.393 billion), Samuel L. Jackson ($14.376 billion), and leading the list is Scarlett Johansson with whopping earnings of $14.5 billion.

Despite the Marvel trio’s lead, Saldana has entered the most exclusive company in terms of box office earnings.