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Soludo debunks claim of gold being discovered in Anambra

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Soludo debunks claim of gold being discovered in Anambra

Governor Chukwuma Soludo has debunked claims of gold being discovered in Anambra state which he governs. 

The governor on Friday Augusy 26, in a press statement through his Press Secretary, Mr Christian Aburime, described report of a gold reserve estimated to be over 20 million tonnes and worth over $900tn being discovered in Ehamufu, Anambra State, as false and misleading. 

In the statement titled ā€˜Purported discovery of gold reserve of over 20 million tonnes worth over $900tn in Ehamufu, Anambra Stateā€™, Soludo urged the public to completely disregard the report. 

It read; 

ā€œThe attention of the government of Anambra State has been drawn to a fictitious and fallacious write-up with the above heading which has been making the rounds in some social media handles.

ā€œEhamufu is not in Anambra State. Governor Chukwuma Soludo is not the Chairman of the South East Governorsā€™ forum, neither did he brief newsmen of any meeting held by the forum or phantom discovery of gold reserves in Ehamufu, Anambra State, as allegedly claimed by the writer(s).

ā€œThe entire news story including every statement or quotation allegedly attributed to Soludo are mere falsehoods without an iota of truth.

ā€œThe general public is hereby advised to discountenance and disregard these claims as a figment of the writerā€™s imagination. The entire news item remains a mischievously cooked-up story with the clear intention to mislead the general public.

ā€œFor emphasis, the general public is again advised to completely disregard the news story and every material therein as a fake news item.ā€