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Schools in Lagos resume January 4

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Lagos State Government has announced the timetable for the 2021/2022 academic session.

All public, private primary and secondary schools are to resume for the second term on Tuesday, 4th January 2022.

Learners are expected back in schools as academic activities will start the same day.

Director-General, Office of Education Quality Assurance, Abiola Seriki-Ayeni, made the announcement on Friday.

All boarding students are to report to hostels on Monday 3rd January 2022.

Mid-term break for the second term is slated for Thursday 17th and Friday 18th February 2022; the term ends Friday 8th April 2022.

Seriki-Ayeni said the authorities will monitor compliance with the resumption date and observe learning processes.

The statement appealed to schools to observe COVID-19 safety protocols and ensure strict compliance.