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Governor Masari hails Katsina journalists for cooperation, insists on constructive criticism

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Katsina State Governor, Aminu Bello Masari has applauded the press members in Katsina State for their cooperation and understanding in the face of the daunting challenges confronting the state.

In his words: “Once again, I thank all the members of the state legislative council, members of the executive council and especially our friends n the media. We are really enjoying your cooperation and your understanding.”

While urging them to continue to carry out their job responsibly, he said, “We are not afraid of criticism. We did not say you should not criticize but do it responsibly”.

”There is a better way of saying no and better ways of giving advice. If you are sincere about the advice and you want us to implement or agree with you, even when we are disagreeing, let us agree to disagree. It is part of human nature.”

Masari made the affirmation in his remark after signing the 2022 appropriation bill into law in Katsina on Tuesday.