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Adam Levine accused of asking yoga teacher Alanna Zabel to get ‘naked’ in flirty text

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A fourth woman has emerged to accuse Adam Levine of sending her flirty messages.


Adam Levine’s former yoga instructor claims she was also a recipient of a flirty text from the Maroon 5 frontman.


Alanna Zabel took to her Instagram Stories on Tuesday September 20, to make the revelation after three women had released screenshots of the flirty chats they received from Adam Levine.


“Long overdue #ExposeAdamLevine,” she captioned her post.


Zabel, who said she worked for Levine from 2007 to 2010, alleged the singer told his friends she had the “best ass in town and it was cute.”


“One day he texted me saying, ‘I want to spend the day with you naked,'” she further claimed.


Zabel alleged that the shocking message led to a physical altercation with her then-boyfriend.


After her post about Levine went viral, Zabel then appeared to backtrack by coming to his defense.


“Firstly, Adam’s text was not wrong, IMO [in my opinion],” she wrote on Wednesday in the caption of a video of her and Levine practicing yoga together on Instagram.


Adam Levine accused of asking yoga teacher Alanna Zabel to get


She then added, “Secondly, Adam was not responsible for my abusive ex boyfriend, or his actions.”


Zabel explained that the reason she decided to come forward was that she was “disappointed” by Levine’s response to other allegations made about him.


She wrote: “When you look at the Cause and Effect that came from Adam’s one text, either flirtatious or mis-sent, we can see how cautious and mindful we should be with our actions, and how they affect others.”