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12 Best Travel Gadgets to Buy in 2020

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 Many travelers prefer to pack lightly rather than carry tons of stuff around trying to take every convenience of home with them. However, there are some essential travel gadgets you can’t do without. Aside from a smartphone, which is obvious, here are 12 best travel gadgets that will definitely come in handy on your next trip.

Universal Plug Adapter

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An all-in-one plug adapter is a must-have travel gadget. You need to be careful, however, as some of them don’t correspond to the shape that you need, others are poorly made and fall apart after the third use, and so on. Luckily, now conscientious manufacturers have solved many of these problems.

Noise-Canceling Headphones

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Some people consider noise-canceling headphones their best travel investment. No surprise here. With features like letting one sleep despite chatting passengers and crying babies, as well as being a signal of not wanting to socialize, this travel gadget can change your plane experience forever (and for the better).

USB Flash Drive

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A USB flash drive can be extremely useful. It allows you to share a document with the front desk of your hotel or to find a photo of your passport if it’s been lost or stolen.

Portable Phone Charger

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A portable phone charger is absolutely irreplaceable. The only downside is that a lot of them fail quite quickly, so investing in good quality is certainly worth the money.

Car Charger

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A car charger makes travelers’ lives much easier. If you recharge your stuff while driving, you’ll never face the problem of not having enough outlets in the hotel. What is more, you’ll be able to use your device to navigate, play music, and distract your kids without being afraid of running down the battery.

Weatherproof Phone Case

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Weatherproof cases seem too bulky when you’re at home, but when traveling they can be extremely important. If you find yourself caught out in bad weather, this case can save your phone’s life. Of course, Ziploc bags work similarly but forget about using your phone while it’s there.


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Taking a tablet and a phone can seem like a waste of valuable space, but if you like newspapers and magazines, those apps can help you travel without having to take kilograms of paper. And reading from a tablet is of course much more convenient compared to a phone.


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Many hardcore readers rely on Kindle heavily, because it allows them to read outside in strong light. If you read a lot in different places while traveling, an e-reader will be much better for you than a tablet.

Solar Charger

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If you’re a hardcore traveler, who spends a lot of time away from civilization a solar charger is a very useful travel gadget for you. Of course, it makes sense to go on a digital detox while you’re away, but you might well need GPS devices, cameras, and so on.

Mobile Hotspot

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Depending on your cell phone plan, a mobile hotspot can save you some money while you’re abroad. These travel devices broadcast a secure Wi-Fi signal, and you can use it in any country, not having to rely on potentially dangerous public Wi-Fi or your own expensive data.

Sun-/Insect-Repellent Clothing

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These items aren’t gadgets, strictly speaking. However, clothes, too, can be quite technical in nature and help you out a lot while traveling. There are breathable and lightweight pants, socks, and shirts on the market that provide protection from the sun and insects. Their functions include UV protection and EPA-certified insect repellent properties.

Smart Suitcase

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Smart suitcases are comparatively new in the sphere of travel gadgets, but the idea behind them is extremely compelling. They allow you to see the location of your bag, its weight, and whether it has been opened. Some of them even let you charge devices. All in all, it’s a great investment.