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Unfortunate Love ZeeWorld, Tuesday 8th November 2022 update

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Lakshmi setting off the fire which catches his feet. The hotel employees come there with Manager. Manager asks Lakshmi to go out. They take Rishi from there. Mr. Oberoi gets the news about the fire in the hotel. He tells Neelam. Neelam asks about Rishi worriedly. They leave for the hotel.

Lakshmi thinks she shall go inside to get her mother’s necklace. Finally she gets her mother’s necklace and goes out. The police and fire brigade comes there. Doctor comes and checks Rishi. Lakshmi comes out and her sisters ask where was she? She goes to Rishi and asks the staff member if he is fine. The staff member thanks Lakshmi for saving sir’s life and says if you had not saved him then don’t know what would have happen. Rano asks if she will stay here and takes her from there, her dupatta falls on his face while she is leaving. Ayush comes there and asks if Rishi is fine. He asks the staff to take him inside.

Rano gets upset with Lakshmi and tells that she tried to get her married, but fire was lighted. She says don’t know what is written in destiny and says Balwinder is not picking the call. She tells Lakshmi that her destiny is like dog’s tail. Gurwinder asks her not to curse her. Lakshmi says we would have died today, like her parents died that day. She says one marriage stopped in village and today this marriage. Neelam and Mr. Oberoi reach the hotel. Doctor tells that Mr. Khanna saved Rishi else don’t know what could have happen to him. Mr. Oberoi thanks Mr. Khanna for saving Rishi. Mr. Khanna says I didn’t do anything and reached there late. He says Sir was locked in room and a girl Lakshmi saved him. She had broken the automated glass door and got inside, without thinking about her life and saved his life. Mr. Oberoi says Lakshmi.

Rano gets angry as Gurucharan left and also have taken the money. Preetam tells that they will get back money when she gets married. Balwinder comes there and tells that Police is behind him, and Mr. Oberoi has filed case against him for the crores of loss in fire accident. He comes inside and asks Lakshmi why did she save Rishi? He asks why she became shaktimaan and saved him, and tells that she is so inauspicious and tells that first time, she tried to get married, her parents died and now the hotel caught fire. He says his kundali has dosh and whoever marries her will die. Preetam says there is no problem in her kundali, we got it made from village’s superior pandit and says that her grah and nakshaktras are so strong that’s why she is Lakshmi. Balwinder asks then how did the fire get caught? He says he has to bear the loss now. He says this kundali is fake and throws it outside the house. Rano and Balwinder try to stop him. Balwinder asks Lakshmi if she wouldn’t have told Rishi when he was scolding her. Rano tells Balwinder that he can’t break the marriage and shall marry her. Balwinder says he came to take her home, and tells that he will take rounds in home and will beat her etc. They try to stop him and hear the Police sound. Balwinder tells that he will try to get her back. And if they get her married then he will hang them. Rano says how dare he to threaten me and says if Lakshmi doesn’t marry then what will happen to us. Preetam asks Neha to bring Lakshmi’s kundali from floor. Mr. Oberoi asks if they are talking about this kundali and says he found it on way. He says he is Virendra Oberoi, owner of hotel radiant. Rano says did you bring police. He says he came to meet Lakshmi.

Shalu and Bani asks Lakshmi not to cry. They ask about her burnt hand. Lakshmi tells that her hand got burnt while saving Rishi. They tease Lakshmi to cheer her up. Lakshmi smiles. Rishi gets flashes of Lakshmi saving him and setting off the fire from his legs. He wakes up and realizes Lakshmi saved him and also set off the fire. Rano asks Mr. Oberoi if he wants to send Lakshmi to jail. Mr. Oberoi says no and tells that he came to thank her for saving his son’s life. He says he brought a gift for her and shows the gold idol. Rano gets surprised and asks if it is made of gold. Mr. Oberoi says yes. He asks can I meet Lakshmi. Preetam says she is in the room and takes him to Lakshmi’s room. Rano tells Neha that it must be 20 tolas. Neha tells that he has many properties and tells about it. Rano thinks they got the gold idol for free. Virendra Oberoi comes to Lakshmi and asks if she is Lakshmi. He says he is Rishi’s father and says he came to thank her for saving him. He says Doctor said that if he had stuck in smoke then would have….He says you haven’t only saved Rishi, but all of us. Lakshmi asks him to sit. He tells that he can get a house for her, asks if she wants to go abroad to study then he can send her etc. Lakshmi says she got what she wanted, and tells that she was trying to find the reason of her life, and now she got it. Mr. Oberoi says I didn’t understand. She says since our parents died, I thought why God didn’t take me with them. She says now I understood that God made me the way to save someone and says if I take anything from you then God will feel bad and even if father. Mr. Oberoi says you are very understanding and tells that the guy will be lucky whom you will get. Bani says Di will not marry as she was marrying in your hotel, di saved your son so her would-be husband got angry and left. Lakshmi asks Bani to be quiet and tells Mr. Oberoi that she just wants his blessings. Mr. Oberoi thinks she is so sanskari (having good values) and nek (humble) and thinks she is Lakshmi for real. I couldn’t get any better girl than her.

Rishi thinks what was the girl’s name who saved me? He says Lakshmi. Lakshmi touches Mr. Oberoi’s feet. Mr. Oberoi thinks God wants to get Rishi and Lakshmi together and that’s why made them meet. Mr. Oberoi blesses her. Shalu asks can I tell you something uncle and says Di will not ask you for anything and says if you really want to give her something then search a good groom for Di. Lakshmi says Shalu. Shalu says let me speak. She says the guy whom Chachi has chosen for Di, is very bad and you got Police behind him, so. Lakshmi says Shalu..Shalu says you never ask for yourself so let me ask. Mr. Oberoi laughs and says your sister is Jhansi ki rani. Shalu says yes and hugs Lakshmi. Bani says even I am rani of neighboring Jhansi. Mr. Oberoi coughs and says I will leave, don’t hesitate to ask anything if you need. He coughs more. Lakshmi asks if he is fine and makes him sit. He says he is fine and asks Bani to rotate hand fan. She tells that this is dry cough and tells that she will make kada for him. She goes to kitchen and asks Chachi ji where is clove? Chacha ji says she went to enquire. Rano and Neha come to the jeweller shop and asks if it is of gold. Jeweller says it is 91.6 hallmark jewellery. Rano says she will sell it somewhere else. She goes out with Neha and keep idol in her bag. They see Rishi going in the car. Neha says she will marry him.

Lakshmi makes Mr. Oberoi drink kada. He asks if she punishes everyone who comes to her house. She says no, and tells that she makes the ones drink whose smile resembles her father’s smile. He asks if you miss him. Shalu says we all miss him, but Di misses him more. Mr. Oberoi says you are really Lakshmi.

Rano and Neha coming home. Rano telling Preetam that the idol is worth 15 lakhs. She asks about Mr. Oberoi. Mr Oberoi comes there and tells that he is leaving. Rano asks him to take something. Mr. Oberoi says I have meetings lined up and people are waiting. He says I really liked meeting you, especially your daughters. He looks at Lakshmi. Neha smiles. He says where we get such values. Rano says she gave good values to her daughter and asks if he liked her daughter? He says Mr. Oberoi says yes, very much. Rano says she heard that he is searching for a bahu for his son. She says small mouth and big talk and says if our daughter becomes your bahu. He says you. She says we both have no comparison with you, but you don’t have a bahu and our daughter is very sanskari. He says shall I say something. Rano says you might be thinking that we are poor and you are rich and says once Rishi’s alliance happens with our daughter….Mr. Oberoi says let me talk and says you have snatched my thought, and tells that it will be their good luck that their daughter becomes his bahu. Neha tells Lakshmi that she will marry Rishi. Mr. Oberoi says I will talk to my wife and get back to you. He leaves. Rano is in shocked and asks Preetam to pinch her. Preetam says our daughter will marry Rishi, it is a miracle.

Rishi comes to Mr. Oberoi. Neelam asks him to talk to Rishi. Rishi asks if he wants to open hotel in India or Abroad. Mr. Oberoi says I want to fix your life deal and tells that he has chosen girl for him, who is just made for him.. Rishi says suddenly. Neelam says I came to know just now. Rishi says I don’t know her and you are talking about marriage. He asks who is she? Mr. Oberoi says she is caring, has good values, shows affection. He says she thinks of strangers as her family, she is an ideal girl in every way. He says if such girl comes in your life, then your life will be great. Neelam says but she will not match our class, status and prestige.

Neha and Rano jump happily. Preetam says if Neelam Oberoi refuses for marriage then. Preetam says Neelam has set up this business with her father’s money. He says if she refuse? Rano asks him to think positive. Mr. Oberoi tells Neelam that they already have status and prestige and says she will accept it easily, but the values which she has, nobody has. Ratan asks him to tell what is her background and family business. He says it seems her father is a small businessman. Mr. Oberoi says you knows her and met her already since some days. Mr. Oberoi says Lakshmi. He says she got locked in your office, you got her arrested. He says your flight was cancelled and you went to cancel her wedding. He says then she saved your life. Rishi says Lakshmi, no ways and asks his dad to understand. Neelam says I told you already. Mr. Oberoi asks him to meet and decide, and tells that he has never seen such a girl before. Rishi says Lakshmi has hypnotized Dad. Mr. Oberoi says no and says when I met her, I felt that there is no pain in the world. He asks him to meet her once and decide. Rishi thinks marriage with Lakshmi?

Neha tells Lakshmi that her cancelled marriage has become blessing for me. She says she will marry the owner of the hotel and goes to plan her marriage. Shalu and Bani see Rishi’s pic in the magazine and says he is very handsome, anyone can get mad for him. Shalu asks Lakshmi to see. Lakshmi goes to kitchen. Shalu tells Bani that Rishi shall marry Lakshmi, as Di saved him. Just then Niharika, Mr. Oberoi’s Manager comes there and tells that Mr. Oberoi is busy with client and that’s why sent good news with me. She says Mrs. and Mr. Oberoi want to get his son married to your daughter and tomorrow he wants to come here and fix the alliance officially. She says he has sent gifts for you and your family. Rano and Neha get happy and jump. Niharika leaves. Rano asks Lakshmi, Shalu and Bani to go to sweets shop and buy sweets for all the neighbors. She says she will make them jealous. Preetam gives them money. They go out and buy the sweets. Lakshmi says we shall go home and cook food. Rishi is going in his car and splashes muddy water on Lakshmi’s face as he drives the car. Lakshmi tells Shalu that she couldn’t see. Shalu gets angry on Rishi, then sees his face and gets shocked. Rishi takes the water bottle and gets down, asking Lakshmi to wash her face. Lakshmi washes her face and tries to open her eyes. Rishi looks at her. Main Phir bhi tumko chahunga plays…..Rishi looks at her and moves her hair from her face. He touches her hand while moving her face from her face and feels electric current. He takes back his hand. He says sorry to them and says I tried to slower the car, but the muddy water splashed on your face. He says sorry. Shalu says we can’t scold our jiju and asks him to drive carefully. He offers to drop them. Shalu asks if he wants to meet Neha. Lakshmi makes Shalu quiet. She says our house lane is small. Rishi says no issues and thinks why she runs seeing me.

Rano asks Neha to get ready as Niharika called and said that they are coming. Neha says she is secretary. Rano asks Lakshmi if she made the things. Lakshmi says she made samosa and kachori and will make tea when they come. Shalu and Bani ask Lakshmi what to wear? Rano says they are coming for Neha and not for you. She asks them to wear old clothes. Preetam brings Kaju Katli for them. Rano asks Lakshmi, Shalu and Bani to go inside and not to come out. Preetam asks why are you saying this? Rano says if they like any of the girls. Preetam says ok. She sends them inside. Mr. Oberoi and Neelam get down from the car. Neelam gets upset seeing the muddy water road. They walk in the lane. Her guard comes and asks where Neelam Madam will sit. Rano says here. Guard sets up the pillow and sits to check. Mr. Oberoi and Neelam come and sit on the sofa. Rano and Preetam greet them. Mr. Oberoi asks Rano where is everyone? Rano says first we shall fix the marriage. He says we will take care of everything and asks her to call lakshmi and her sisters. He tells Neelam that Lakshmi made him drink kada, and the cough was relieved. Rano thinks if he came to fix the marriage or to praise Lakshmi. She goes inside and asks Lakshmi, Shalu and Bani to come out, but shall stand like Gandhiji’s monkeys. Lakshmi, Shalu and Bani come there. Mr. Oberoi introduces Shalu and Bani and is about to introduce Lakshmi, when Neelam takes her name Lakshmi. She asks what did you see in her? Mr. Oberoi says very soon, even you will see, what I have seen. Rano says Neha made samosas for you specially. Bani says why Chachi is lying? Lakshmi asks her to be quiet.

Mr. Oberoi gets up and says we will first do the rasam, and will shagun gold coin to our bahu. Neha and Rano get happy. He walks past Neha and goes to Lakshmi. He asks Lakshmi to take the shagun coin and calls her bahu.

He says in our family, always a sasur gives shagun coin to his bahu. Rano, Neha and Preetam are shocked. Lakshmi looks on while her sisters are surprised.