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Unfortunate Love ZeeWorld, Thursday 5th January 2023 update

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Unfortunate Love on zee world Thursday 5th January 2023 update, Lakshmi asking Pandit ji to say. Neelam asks Pandit ji to go. He goes out. Neelam asks Lakshmi why she didn’t stop Rishi. Virender says Lakshmi told that she has tried to stop him. Sonia asks why she didn’t tell Mom? Lakshmi says I came to talk to you, but you was busy both times. Neelam says why you didn’t go with him. Lakshmi says I went behind him, but came back. Karishma asks how can you let anything wrong happen with Rishi. Virender says nothing wrong can happen to him.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Wednesday 4th January 2023 update

Lakshmi says I wanted to be with him, but he said that I won’t feel good if I stay with him in the office. Neelam asks how he can say this? Lakshmi asks Dadi what was he telling about Rishi’s kundali. Karishma says there is a small problem, nothing big. Lakshmi says he said that Rishi’s life is in danger. Malishka asks him to get ready fast and covers ghatbandhan cloth on his clothes, asks him to go out and she will come. Neelam calls him, but he doesn’t pick the call. Lakshmi says Mummy ji. Neelam says if anything happens to him, then you will be blamed. She says you shouldn’t have let himgo, and says I trusted you that you will become his ardhanjali, never leave him, today you felt the danger, but let him go.

She says if anything happens to him, then I will die. Lakshmi promises Neelam that she won’t let anything happen to Rishi. She promises her that she will bring back Rishi safely home, and says this is the promise of a wife to her husband’s mother. She leaves. Virender calls her. Neelam stops him and says let her go. She says Lakshmi will bring him and nobody else can bring him back. She says Lakshmi can bring him home, I trust her fully. Lakshmi says I will bring back Rishi while going out.

Rishi sits for the marriage while Pandit ji starts the rituals. Malishka comes there wearing red saree. Rishi imagines Lakshmi. Pandit ji asks them to stand for exchanging the garlands. Malishka asks Rishi to get up. They get up. Pandit ji asks Rishi to make her wear the garland. Virender asks Lakshmi not to go. Lakshmi says I know where he could be, I will bring him. She goes. Virender calls Lakshmi and falls down on the floor. Neelam calls everyone and asks Virender to get up worriedly. Virender calls Lakshmi. Lakshmi looks at her mobile. Rishi and Malishka exchange garlands. His phone rings away. Lakshmi thinks pick the call Rishi. Pandit ji asks Rishi to forward his hand. Lakshmi tries to get the auto. Pandit ji tells that the weather is bad, seeing the storm. Malishka asks him to hurry up and finish the marriage fast. Pandit ji recites the mantras. Lakshmi calls Malishka and thinks pick up the call. Malishka sees Lakshmi’s call. Rishi asks who is on the call. Malishka says not important. The lady on the road asks Lakshmi to go home and says weather is bad. Lakshmi thinks to go and bring Rishi back. She walks with her injured feet.

Malishka and Rishi are still seated to do the marriage. Pandit ji says this marriage can’t happen as the weather is bad. Malishka asks him to do the marriage first and asks Rishi if she is saying right. He says yes. Pandit ji recites the mantras again. Neelam says even Ayush is not picking the call. Karishma bandages Virender’s injury. Sonia brings the medicine box. Neelam hears the door bell and says this is not Rishi. Sanjay opens the door. Virender says I will go and search Lakshmi. Ahana and Devika come there and ask why everyone is in tension. Sonia tells that weather is bad and they don’t know about Rishi. Virender says Rishi would have come and regrets to send Neelam. Neelam argues with him. Virender says if Rishi wouldn’t have gone then this wouldn’t have happen. Neelam says Rishi can’t do anything against her wish.

Rishi recalls Neelam’s words. Neelam says my son is my pride and you are saying anything to favour Lakshmi. Virender asks what do you think that she is not a human. She says I don’t want to talk to you and says I will inform you when I talk to Rishi. Rishi sees Neelam’s call and thinks to talk to her later. Malishka says some more time. She asks Pandit ji to hurry up. Rishi feels guilty of cheating Lakshmi. Lakshmi comes to the crossroad and recalls her conversation with Malishka. Lakshmi thinks where to go. The lady asks Lakshmi why did she become her own enemy? Lakshmi asks from where to find my husband? The lady says Mata Rani will show you the way. She says the light on your forehead and the spark reflects that you are the protector. She asks her to go to Mata’s charan. Lakshmi goes to pray to Mata Rani.

Lakshmi praying to the temple on side of the road and asks where to go to search him. She asks God to give her Rishi. A lady hears her and says Tathastu. The lady asks her to go that way and get her destination. Lakshmi folds her hands thanking her and walks with injured feet. She thanks Mata Rani for showing the right way. Malishka ties the ghatbandhan cloth fast. The storm gets heavier. Lakshmi reaches Malishka’s house and calls her name and Rishi. She thinks there might be some way behind. Rishi and Malishka start taking rounds, when rain starts. Pandit ji says how rounds will happen now. Malishka says it will happen and asks Rishi to do it fast. The havan fire gets set off due to the rain. Pandit ji says it is inauspicious. Rishi, Malishka and Pandit ji go away from there. Lakshmi comes there and holds her injured bleeding foot. Karishma tries to stop Virender. Virender worries for Lakshmi and tries to go. Dadi gives her swear and asks her not to go. Neelam says Ayush went to search her. Karishma blames Lakshmi. Dadi says she has gone to save the son of the house. Sonia says Bua is saying right. Virender scolds her and asks her to shut up. Sonia goes. Karishma asks what kind of behavior is this with Sonia. Rishi calls Neelam. Neelam asks why you haven’t come home still. She asks where is he? Rishi says he is in Malishka’s house, he had to come here. Neelam asks what are you doing there? Rishi pretends as if he couldn’t hear her and ends the call.

Neelam tells the family members that Rishi is in Malishka’s house. Malishka comes to Rishi and tells that Pandit ji said that God don’t want us to marry and that’s why this has happen. Rishi says Malishka. Malishka says why does he think negative. She says she will go and change her dress, and asks him to change too. Lakshmi takes out the pierced sharp glass from her feet. Malishka asks him to bring the mangalsutra from outside, as how will marriage happen without it. Rishi goes out to get the mangalsultra. Lakshmi gets up and thinks whose marriage is happening here. Rishi comes there and gets the mangalsutra. Just then the marriage altar falls down. Lakshmi hears him screaming and shouts Rishi.

Electricity goes in Oberoi Mansion. Kairshma says it is not safe at all, the way the thunderstorm is striking. Neelam and Virender argue over Rishi and Lakshmi. Lakshmi comes to Rishi calling him. Malishka looks at her through the window and sees Rishi injured. She shouts Rishi. Lakshmi asks Rishi to get up. Malishka comes there. Lakshmi tries to pull Rishi from under the pillar, but suddenly the fire is caught around him. Lakshmi says nothing will happen to him and takes him inside with Malishka’s help. They make him lie down on the bed. Lakshmi asks Malishka to call doctor and asks him to open his eyes. Malishka recalls Pandit ji’s words. Lakshmi tells Malishka that she knows about the doctor, and will bring him here. She asks Malishka to take care of Rishi and says I will go and come in 5 mins. Malishka holds her hand and says your foot is bleeding. Lakshmi says I won’t let anything happen to him.

Malishka thinks Lakshmi love shim so much and Rishi was doing a mistake. She says if it was God’s wish that our marriage haven’t happened, and thinks what to do, shall I go away from Rishi and Lakshmi’s lives. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.