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Twist Of Fate season 9, Sunday 29th October 2023 update

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Twist Of Fate on zee world Sunday 29th October 2023 update, Aryan asking Ranbir to save him and says I don’t want to marry this girl. Ranbir asks him to refuse, if he doesn’t like the girl. He asks him not to judge the girl by her looks, and says judge her by her behavior. He says she came from long way and deserves to talk to you. He asks Aryan to talk to her. Pallavi brings the girl to Aryan. Ranbir says Aryan made my eye fine.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 28th October 2023 update

Pallavi says I am your mom and knows you. She asks Aryan to meet Damini and talk to her. Ranbir says I will leave. Aryan asks why you are leaving me in the battle field. Ranbir says if you had loved someone then wouldn’t have ended in the battle field of arrange marriage. Damini asks Aryan if he is nervous. He says no, why would I be nervous. Damini asks what your brother does? Aryan says he is junior manager in a company, but he was the owner of many companies at a time. Damini asks if he is married. Aryan says there is nobody in his life now, but someone special in his heart. He says you are good, but I..Damini says I don’t want to marry you. Aryan says you saved me, and thanks her. Damini asks him to go and tell them that he don’t want this alliance.

Aryan asks her to go and reject him, as girls’ level are high. Damini asks him, where is his heart? Aryan says that girl stole my heart and left, and I didn’t know when she did this. Shahana collides with a guy and thinks Aryan was best. She then thinks he didn’t call her even once and she thinks about him. She says even I don’t like him and she misses him. She says I am mad to think about him.

Kaya comes out and asks the guard if any car came for me. Guard says no. Kaya gets upset with Ranbir. A car comes there. She asks the driver if he came for her. Driver says he came for Prachi. Prachi comes there. Kaya asks if this car is yours. Prachi says this is hotel car which came for me. She says if you want then you can come with me. Kaya calls Ranbir and asks where is the driver? Ranbir asks her to wait. Kaya ends the call and goes with Prachi. She asks Prachi to tell about her, likes and dislikes, hobbies and dislikes. Prachi asks her what she doesn’t like. Kaya says the people who doesn’t value time and Dad when he scolds me, and my boyfriend who wants to know all my updates, what I eat, what I do? Prachi says it was much. Kaya asks what kind of guy she likes. Prachi gets sad. Kaya asks her to move on in life and says those who don’t value us, we shall not lose our tears and time for such people. Prachi says I tried, but I couldn’t do. Kaya says I have come and will make you forget that guy completely.

Ranbir comes to Khushi and tells that he wants all the flowers and wants her to go to school. She says I used to go to govt school and helps Maayi in selling flowers. Ranbir says you talk so good. She says you also talks a lot. She asks him if he met the special person, which was written in the chit. He says he didn’t meet her. Khushi asks him to think that he will meet special person.

She says whatever you think from your heart will come true. Ranbir says I met you, you told it right. He says you gave me 3 flowers so take 90 Rs. Khushi says I gave one to bring smile on your face. Ranbir says you are cute. She says you are cute like Ranbir Kapoor, but that doesn’t mean that you shall be stubborn. She asks him to give 60 Rs and says I will give you new flower, which will have the new fortune message. Ranbir says ok, my little partner. He sits in the car. He reads the chit that he will meet someone tomorrow and then he and his heart will be happy. Khushi says it will happen and asks him to think positive. Ranbir says ok, my cute partner. He goes. Khushi tells her friend that it seems like I know him and was not scared to meet him. She says yesterday I saw a lady who was so beautiful and I felt that I knew her. Kaya asks Prachi to come to club with her and says you will forget that painful person, and will have some change. Prachi says I don’t go to club. Kaya says ok. The car stops on the traffic signal. Khushi sells the flower to a lady in the car. The car starts. The lady says I will give you money. Khushi runs behind the car and falls down on the road. Prachi gets down and comes to Khushi. The lady gets down from her car. Prachi scolds the lady. The lady gives her money. Prachi asks khushi to wait there and goes to bring water bottle from the car. She asks Kaya to give the water bottle. Kaya gives her. Prachi goes. Ranbir calls Kaya and says your car came and asks her to come. Kaya says she left with Prachi, we are in the same hotel so I took lift from her. Ranbir thinks of Priya and misunderstands her to be Prachi.

Ranbir tells Kaya that she must be happy to travel with her new friend. Kaya says she is not a burden on anyone and tells that Prachi offered her a lift. Ranbir says she is happy. Kaya says even I am happy. Prachi makes Khushi drink water and asks her not to run behind the car, and asks her to promise that she will not run behind the car. Khushi promises her and keeps her hand on Prachi’s hand. Prachi gets emotional and reminisces little Panchi. Khushi says you have done this for me, though you don’t know me, and says you must be loving your daughter so much. Prachi says I don’t have a daughter. Khushi says I am your daughter. Prachi gets more emotional.

Prachi getting emotional. Khushi says you must love your daughter so much. Prachi says I don’t have a daughter. Khushi says that I am like your daughter and asks Prachi not to get sad, says I will give you a lovely flower, because of which you will be happy, smiling and blossoming like them. She says you will get happiness due to its fragrance. Prachi says I don’t buy flowers as when it withers, I feel bad, and its smell goes and color fades away. Khushi says it doesn’t wither, but fly in air. She says my badi dadi says that flowers’ work is to give happiness and fragrance to everyone and when their work is over, they go. She asks her to take a flower for her. She says I will give it to you now. Prachi gets up and is about to sit in the car. Kaya asks Prachi not to show concern for them and says they are brought up here, and are habitual to all this. She says they can be thieves too. Khushi comes to Prachi and gives her flower, says it is a gift, asks her not to refuse. She asks her to read the fortune message. Prachi takes the flower and says thank you. Someone calls Khushi and she goes. Kaya asks Prachi to sit. She says I know that girl, she has manipulated and made my Dad’s friend’s employee. They come to their hotel and find their hotel rooms infront of each other. Kaya says destiny has brought us infront of each other. Prachi says our room is also infront of each other’s room. Kaya says I don’t like many people, either they don’t bear me or I don’t understand them. She says I like you. Prachi says even I like you. Kaya says if anyone hears then will doubt your choice. Prachi says my choice is mine. Kaya asks her to come to her room, and talk to her. Prachi says she has some important work and needs to keep this flower at its right place. Kaya says I was telling this, as our conversation was incomplete at the breaking table, I was asking you who broke your heart, why you was crying and I want to talk to you and needs a good listener. Prachi says I am a good listener. She says we will meet tomorrow. Kaya says she don’t like to wait for anyone, but will wait for my special friend.

Prachi comes to her hotel room, keep the flower in glass and pours water in it. She opens the fortune message note, and it flies and is about to go out of window, but Prachi catches it and reads the fortune message that you will meet tomorrow whom you see with your closed eyes too. Prachi thinks if I will meet Ranbir tomorrow. She gets emotional and recalls their moments. Maine ishq tera le duba plays……Prachi runs out of her room.

Aryan is dancing in his room. Ranbir comes there and thinks if his marriage is fixed. Aryan sees him and says life gave me second chance. They dance. Ranbir asks how your destination wedding will happen, and honeymoon, and asks how did you agree to her? Aryan asks I didn’t say yes to her. Ranbir asks if she said yes. Aryan says she said no, and rejected me. Ranbir asks why? Aryan says I wanted her to reject me. He asks don’t you know why I want this. Ranbir says I know. He asks do you miss Shahana even now. Aryan recalls telling them that they are all bad and leaving from home crying. He says I don’t miss her. Ranbir says you are my best friend and brother too, and says you can share with me. He says our hearts are connected and goes. Aryan says how to tell you, that I miss Shahana very much.

Dadi comes to Shahana and asks did I disturb you? Shahana says no. Dadi asks what you are hiding? Shahana shows the album. Dadi says you are remembering old memories. Shahana asks if God makes everyone’s life tough or has special connection with us. She says she always thought good about everyone, but happiness gets snatched from her. She looks at Pragya’s photo and says even she went away from Prachi. She says Ranbir and Prachi loved each other a lot, but what he did. She says Prachi always regarded Pallavi as her mother, but Pallavi never regarded her as her daughter. She says she has seen whatever Prachi has bear. Dadi says it is Prachi’s strength, if she lost some relations, then she got you and me. Shahana asks why God is doing injustice with her. Dadi says Prachi went to Delhi, may be some good thing will happen with her, she asks her to stop crying and says you are crying and made me cry as well. They make a video call to Prachi. Prachi says she miss them so much. Shahana says we are fine. Prachi asks who had cried first. Dadi says first Shahana cried and then me. Prachi asks why? Dadi says Shahana was crying as she was not having a boyfriend who would take her out. Just then a guy is going from there and pushes Prachi. He then pushes an old lady and scolds her for colliding with him. Prachi comes there and scolds the guy, telling that the lady is like his mother. The arrogant guy leaves from there. The lady thanks Prachi. Prachi says you should have scold him. The guy looks at Prachi while going.

Kaya calls Ranbir. Ranbir asks her to have breakfast first and then call him. Kaya says I am not doing breakfast, I am unwell and can’t come for today’s meeting. Ranbir says it is wrong. Kaya says thanks for the concern. Ranbir says I am talking about meeting, how it will happen. Kaya says I thought you are concerned for me. Ranbir says little bit. She says don’t know where your humanity goes, when the matter is about me. She says I don’t know doctor here. Ranbir says I thought about meeting first and then thought about you. He says I worry for you and will bring doctor there. He ends the call. She thinks if I shall check buffet, as she is hungry.

Minty aunty is talking on phone and scolding someone and asking what will I do with those flowers tomorrow. Prachi looks at her. Minty aunty calls Ganesh and says don’t you know that it is a big marriage and says if the flowers don’t come. Prachi asks what happened? Minty Aunty tells that they need flowers to decorate hotel’s banquet hall, but the flowers received was less. She tells that it is a big people’s son wedding is happening here, though they stay in foreign, they chose our hotel. Prachi asks her to calm down and starts reverse countdown. Ganesh says someone gave me number of Laali, a florist. He calls Laali/Khushi’s Maayi and asks her to arrange a tempo of flowers. She says ok, I will bring. He says he will send the address. Laali wakes up Khushi and tells that they got a big order and will earn for a month. Khushi asks if I can come with you. She says I will help you.

The arrogant guy who had pushed Prachi come to the room, and the other guys who are keeping the rifles and bombs in the bags. The fourth guy comes there, closes the door and pushes the arrogant guy. He then says sorry and tells that the door was open. The arrogant guy tells the other guys that a rich man’s daughter’s wedding is here, and police around here. He asks them to understand what to do.


Prachi is in the room crying and Ranbir is outside. He tells her (though he doesn’t know she is Prachi) that he prays from his heart that she will get her love and asks her to cry and lighten her heart, but don’t cry after that, as if the tears flow infront of that person or when we are alone, then it doesn’t matter. Prachi hears him and it seems recognized his voice. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.