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Titli On Starlife, Wednesday 5th June 2024 Update

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Titli On Starlife Wednesday 5th June 2024 Update, Titli saying I will prove myself innocent. Alpa sees Koel and taunts her for getting shagun. She says Maina already gave it. Koel says yes, I will take it back. Titli says give me the shagun, Garv and I want blessing of both the mothers. Jaishri and Chintu come. Koel gets angry. Jaishri says we got sweets and shagun for Titli’s fast. Koel asks her to leave. Titli thinks I will prove my innocence in 2 days. Jaishri and Chintu leave.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Tuesday 4th June 2024 Update

Garv looks on and goes. Hiren goes to Jaishri and says I can understand your love for Titli. She gives the shagun plate to him and thanks him.

Alpa comes and argues with Hiren. Jaishri and Chintu leave. Hiren gets angry on Alpa. Maina and Koel do the work. Manikant comes and compliments Koel. Monica and Adi come home. She says I will make this day special for all of us. Garv comes. Monica teases him about Adi.

Titli comes. Monica compliments her. Koel says good she has come, we shall start the puja now. Monica says its Titli and Garv’s first puja, he has to lift Titli and take her to temple. She signs Adi to lie. Adi says yes, there is a rasam. Koel says leave it, Titli will go away in 2 days. Titli goes to the kitchen to get matchbox. Garv hits the ladder and makes her fall in his arms. He lifts her and takes her to the puja. Everyone performs the puja rituals. The ladies come and say there is no preparations here.

Koel says yes, I had called them, but forgot to inform the family. Maina says you should have asked once, or told me once, how will we make Jagran preparations now, you are really irresponsible. Koel says I have done all this work also, I forgot. The lady says we know you are too miser, Koel, we will leave, we will not pay anything to your words.

Titli stops the ladies. She asks Monica to make everyone sit. She says I will handle everything. Monica asks the ladies to sit and attend the Jagran. Maina asks why did you stop them, Koel got us insulted already, how will you do this so soon, is this a joke. Titli says no, your respect isn’t a joke for me, I will handle everything, give me a chance.

Manikant says we will face embarrassment. She says I didn’t do anything wrong, I will prove myself right and stay here with you all. Koel says you spoke to me badly. Maina says you should have asked me once. Koel cries. Alpa says she is saying right, its her son and bahu. Titli looks on. She asks Dhara to keep the guests busy.

Koel says your 3 days are over, you have to leave. Titli says I have one hour left, I will prove myself innocent. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.