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Titli On Starlife, Sunday 9th June 2024 Update

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Titli On Starlife Sunday 9th June 2024 Update, Monica saying Titli isn’t well. Garv goes. Koel says the fast should break. Titli reads Garv typing an application against him. He says I m filing a case, take this paper, I made your work easy. She tears the papers and says its wrong. He scolds her a lot. She says you think why would I do this, I was upset with you, you had hurt me a lot, even then I didn’t tell anyone, you are believing Ankit and Hiral, not me, why. Garv throws things in anger. Everyone comes there. Maina scolds Titli. Koel asks Garv to have water. She says Garv loves you a lot, you don’t love him. Titli says I love him. She justifies herself.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 8th June 2024 Update

Manikant says stop all this, its time to break the fast, come and break the fast. Titli says I won’t break my fast until Garv breaks it, I will not eat and drink anything. Garv goes. Jaishri asks what. Hiral comes home. Jaishri asks how can you do this. Hiral goes to the room and packs her clothes. Jaishri says I need to talk to you. Baa comes and asks what happened now. Paresh comes. He asks what are you doing. Hiral says I m leaving the house, my family doesn’t trust me.

She does a drama and says I will die. She takes a knife and says I will die. Paresh stops her. She hugs him and cries. Baa scolds her. Hiral hugs her and acts. Paresh says I trust Hiral, if she is saying this, then she is right. Hiral hugs him. Titli worries. Ankit says Garv will do it, Titli can’t prove her truth, he will get angry and do something bad with her, I will file a case against him for domestic violence. Ishani says I m scared for Titli.

A man delivers the designer gown and says its already paid, its worth 70000rs. Koel asks what, who ordered it. He says Titli Garv Mehta. She says wait here, I will come. Koel calls Titli and scolds her for ordering a dress costing 70000rs. Titli asks what dress, I didn’t order anything. Koel asks is this guy a liar, your name is written on the parcel.

Titli asks the man about the order date. The man says I don’t know, sorry. He goes. Koel and Maina get angry. Titli gets the credit card from the bag. Koel asks what’s your new excuse. Alpa jokes. Monica stops them. She defends Titli. Titli says someone is trying to frame me. Koel laughs. Maina asks her not to lie. Titli says I m not lying, I know you won’t believe me, I have time to get the proof, please, I request you, support me as a mum. Maina taunts her. Maina and Koel leave. Titli calls Hiral and asks how many games will you play with me, how dare you use my card for shopping. Hiral says she is blaming me again. Paresh scolds Titli.

Titli says your anger is coming between us. He asks what can I do for you. She says I want to go back on my job. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.