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Swaran Ghar On AdomTv, Tuesday 11th June 2024 Update

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Swaran Ghar On AdomTv Tuesday 11th June 2024 Update, Arjun saying my imp meeting is going to start, I don’t want any disturbance. Swaran goes and calls Ajit. She says I don’t feel good, just keep Ajit safe. Ajit is taken to the hospital. Jai calls Swaran. She says your dad was going to come here, he didn’t reach. Jai says he left much time before. He says hold on, I m getting a call from an unknown number. He answers. He asks what, accident, I m coming. He says dad met with an accident, I m going to the hospital. Swaran cries.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Monday 10th June 2024 Update

She recalls Ajit’s words. She says I have to go, my friend is in the hospital, he met with an accident. Mallika asks did you inform Sir. Swaran says I will tell him. Mallika says you forgot, Sir asked you not to disturb. Swaran says tell him that I left for an emergency. Mallika says sorry, you inform him and go. Swaran says no, I can’t wait, I can lose a job, but I can’t lose my friend alone. She leaves. Nimmo and Kiran are on the way. They see Swaran. Nimmo says Arjun likes Swaran, so he gave her a job, don’t know what’s special in her, everyone is after me. Swaran leaves for the hospital. Ajit gets treated. Arjun calls at the reception. Mallika doesn’t answer. Arjun goes to see Swaran. He asks where is Swaran. Mallika says she went in a rush. He asks but where. She says I told you, aunty type housewife. He says I know her, she would have left for some emergency. Swaran prays for Ajit. Arjun calls her and asks what happened. She cries and says Ajit met with an accident. He says don’t cry, nothing will happen to Ajit. She says he is a sincere man, I told you, there would be some problem. He says don’t worry, I will reach there.

Ajit gets conscious. He sees his family. He asks Jai not to worry, he is fine. Swaran comes and scolds him. She cries. Ajit says listen to me. She says I don’t want to lose you, I lost a lot in life. He says I m fine, don’t cry. She asks how did this happen. Inspector comes and asks how did this accident happen. Ajit says a car has hit me, few men got down the car and snatched my bag, they burnt the land papers in front of me, someone did this accident. Inspector asks do you doubt someone. Ajit says I m sure that he did this accident. He shows Arjun. Swaran turns and sees Arjun.

Inspector says he is a big businessman. Ajit says he did this. Arjun says Goldie is my nickname, I didn’t do anything wrong, you have hidden it. Ajit asks what did I lie. Arjun asks where are the papers. Ajit says your goons have burnt the papers, you are a rich man, still you are after my land. Arjun says I didn’t do anything, you didn’t have the papers, you have grabbed my land. Inspector asks them not to fight. Ajit says he is a rich man, he has bought the witnesses. Arjun says you can come to office and know where I was since morning. Ajit says he can buy anyone. Arjun says I m not a liar and fraud like you. Swaran stops Ajit, and defends Arjun. Ajit says you are saving him. She says he didn’t do anything, I have seen him, he was in the office, he didn’t go out. Ajit says he had sent goons by paying them. She says no, he always helped us, how can he do this. Ajit says you think I can do this. She says no. He sits back.

Arjun says I made a mistake to come here and see you, you tried to grab my land, I will take it back by today evening. He leaves. Ajit says you supported him. She says Arjun was waiting for you, he would have returned the land to you, he didn’t do this, a woman can differentiate between good and bad, if he did this, then I would have known it. He asks where did the accident happen. She thinks to find the truth. Nimmo shows Ajit’s pic to Rajeshwari. She says Swaran and Ajit are looting Arjun. Swaran comes to Arjun. He says I came to meet him, he is blaming me, he didn’t have the papers, he made an excuse yesterday and even today, you want to save him, he has hurt himself to frame me, he is wrong. She says I really don’t know, I know that one who owns the land will get it, Lord won’t do injustice, I trust Lord. They come to the bypass road. Swaran says Ajit met with an accident today. The juice stall man says I have seen the accident, a man got down the car and snatched his bag, he burnt the papers. Arjun asks what. Swaran asks where did this happen. The man says that side.

Nimmo says Swaran is working in your radio channel. Rajeshwari calls Mallika and asks who is the new receptionist. Mallika says Swaran Bedi. Swaran and Arjun see the burnt papers, and also the blood marks. Swaran shows the burnt papers to Arjun. She says Ajit was getting the papers, he wasn’t lying. She cries.

Swaran saying Ajit was coming with the papers, he was not lying. Arjun says you trust him right. She says I want to know if Arjun is asking or Goldie. He says a friend wants to know. He says he is clean at heart, so he gets angry, he can’t lie or cheat anyone. He says even I don’t lie. She says I know. He says you think I m rich, so I have no emotions attached with my land. She says no, you are right, for Ajit, the land is the support for his life, how can we think of living without the support, that dhaba is his everything, he won’t lie, I know you well, I trust you, think before you do anything, its on you, you want to trust him or not. He says I know, I will drop you. She says no, I will go. She leaves.

Bebe asks Ajit to have food. He refuses. She says I left my kitchen and came to you, you are so upset. He asks is Swaran on my side. She says she came to meet you. He says she trusts Arjun, not me. Arjun says I have to find out, who wishes bad for Ajit. He sees Rajeshwari paying money to the goon. The goon thanks her and asks her to command him if there is any work. He leaves. Arjun stops Rajeshwari. He recalls Ajit’s words. He asks where were you. She says I had a meeting with the minister. He says Ajit met with an accident today. She says you mean, I did this, really. He says no, that man was like Madhav Singh. She says you think I can do this, I know you are with wrong people these days. He asks who. She says Swaran has brainwashed you, even Sapna ruined your life. He asks her to forget old things. She says just I will be with you when the world gets against, until you get the dhaba land, dad’s soul won’t get peace. Swaran comes to Ajit. Bebe asks her to handle Ajit. She says he isn’t eating any food. Swaran asks Bebe to have juice. Bebe drinks it. She says he is upset that you went out. Swaran says I got sugarcane juice for him. Ajit turns away. Bebe acts like Ajit.

Ajit says Bebe didn’t feed me any oranges. Swaran smiles. Bebe asks Ajit to have the juice. He says its enough. Swaran says I spoke to Goldie. He says you don’t know the meaning of losing something, he is trying to grab my dhaba. She says I lost my Swaran ghar. He says he won’t understand. Rajeshwari says Swaran and Ajit are trying to befriend you when we are thinking of taking the land back. She goes. Arjun thinks.

Ajit gets Arjun’s message. Ajit says he has decided, he is snatching my dhaba. Ajit goes to his dhaba. Swaran says we won’t let anything happen to my dhaba, we will do anything. Ajit says I will handle it. He asks the staff to feed the customers well. Swaran is with him. Ajit recalls their childhood moment. He gets sad. Swaran cries seeing him. Arjun comes to the dhaba. Arjun says I promised Swaran, I got the lawyers, you show the papers if you have it, I have the papers to show them. Ajit says you are making me mad, you know my papers were burnt by someone, you want to get this land, you can’t. Arjun says don’t get adamant, check these papers once. Ajit refuses and throws the papers. He says its my land, I won’t listen to anyone. Swaran says sit and talk calmly. She checks the papers.

She is shocked. She asks Ajit to check the papers. He says its my name written on these papers, they got burnt. Arjun says yes, I got this papers from the court. Lawyer says Sir spoke to the judge and got these papers, we have got the papers verified, its right, your papers are pre-dated than Arjun’s papers, this proves that your papers are legally genuine, Arjun is taking back the case, the land is yours. Swaran says thanks. Arjun says I thought you are doing a drama, but Swaran proved to me that you really met with an accident. Ajit asks did you go with him for my sake. She nods. Arjun says truth always wins, you were true, so you won, take these papers, its your land, no one can snatch this from you. Ajit says this dhaba is mine. Arjun says yes, its yours forever.

Ajit asks Swaran did she hear it, its his land and his dhaba. He asks his staff to feed everyone well, sweets are complimentary today. She smiles happily. Arjun says sorry friend. Ajit says no, I m also sorry. Swaran asks them to clean their heart and have a hug. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.