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Strings of love starlife, Friday 7th June 2024 Update

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Strings of love on starlife Friday 7th June 2024 Update, Angad confused Seerat as Sahiba asks her to tell something for god’s sake and says even last time she did speak anything and left. He turns her and is shocked to see Seerat. Seerat gets nervous. Angad asks why didn’t she tell him that she is Seerat while was speaking his heart out to her thinking her as Sahiba. Seerat says she will bring Sahiba right now and runs away from there. Angad recalls past incident and stops Seerat. He says it was same environment that night when he was speaking his heart out to Sahiba and she ran away, was it Seerat that day. Manveer tells family that she is sure Angad wants to get rid off Sahiba and wouldn’t hesitate to sign di divorce papers, she will go and bring Angad.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Thursday 6th June 2024 Update

Angad drags Seerat to the family. Family is shocked to see that and asks why is he misbehaving with Seerat. Angad says he never misbehaves with a woman but can’t tolerate what Seerat did with him. Seerat says let her explain. Angad angrily warns her to shut up until he asks her to speak. Sahiba asks what did Seerat do. Angad explains her that when Japjot gave her house’s responsibility, he had visited her college with chocs, flowers, and cake to apologize her and clear their misunderstanding, but she wasn’t present there. Sahiba says he didn’t come at all. Angad says she can say that as she had already left when he reached her college, then he came home and went to her room, power was off then, he apologized and expressed his feelings for her then, it was Seerat in Sahiba’s place who didn’t stop him and silently listened him because of her evil intention to separate them.

Sahiba tongue lashes Seerat for creating misunderstanding between her and Angad. Hansraj says he is confused that Angad expressed his feelings for Sahiba to Seerat thinking her as Seerat and Seerat didn’t stop him. Seerat tries to justifying herself saying she wanted to stop him, but by then he had already spoken everything. Angad says she had ill intentions to get him, it was unbearable to see her face after she said him I love you, even then he tolerated her when she apologized and sought forgiveness saying she was drunk. Family is shocked to hear that. Jaspal asks Sahiba if she knew about it. Sahiba says yes and tongue lashes Seerat for her conspiracies to prove her evil and herself as angel in family’s eyes, especially Manveer. She further reveals that she was standing behind Angad and heard Angad expressing his feelings and thought he is saying that for Seerat.

Seerat tries to justify her act and says it was a mistake and they are overexaggerating a small issue. Sahiba says its a sin and not a mistake, she tried to separate him and Angad and tried to grab Angad. Angad says Seerat in lieu of friendship tried to provoke him against Sahiba and repeatedly explained how bad Sahiba is, she lost his respect and friendship from hereon. They both continue to tongue lash Seerat for her heinous act while family watches silently.

Seerat tells Angad that she became villain for him and he hates her because of Sahiba, but same Sahiba was signing divorce papers just a few minutes ago. Angad looks at Sahiba in shock. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.