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Sister Wives On ZeeWorld, Sunday 2nd June 2024 Update

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Sister Wives On ZeeWorld Sunday 2nd June 2024 Update, Haider thinks about what Dua said. He recalls Gazal saying she will kill herself. He says I dont’ know what to do. Gazal hugs her dad’s grave and cries. She recalls Hina confessing she’s responsible for their death. Gazal says Dua will never give Haider permission. I will have to die now. She comes near a grave. Haider says I am sorry I can’t marry you Gazal. I have to break my promise. Gulnaaz says Haider I have to talk to you. He says I don’t trust you. She says it’s important.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 1st June 2024 Update

Haider says you don’t care about anyone’s life. You provoked Dua and broke this house. Now I am also Gazal’s culrpit. I broke my promise to her. I can’t talk to you. Gulnaaz says in heart Gazal will kill my son if Haider doesn’t marry her. She says Gazal is killing herself. She shows Haider Gazal’s live video. She’s in the grave and pull dirt on her. Haider asks how did you get this video? Gulnaaz says my friend saw her. Hadier says Gazal has lost her sentences. Shhe well got to jail, Dua was right. Only after that her mind would be in place. Gulnaaz says by the time police reaches there, she would have died. Please save her. Haider recalls what Gaza said. Haider says my family can’t be responsible for her death. I will save her. Gulnaaz says please save her. She forcefully hugs Haider and takes his phone. Haider leaves. She says Dua I am sorry I’ve to do this so you can’t spot him. Otherwise she will kill my son.

Scene 2
Dadi says she tried to kill me. She made a plan to marry Haider. Dua says let me call Hadier. She runs upstairs. Haider leaves from the other side of stairs. Dua says why did I feel like something precious to me is going away? Haider sits in his car and rushes. Gulnaaz says I am ruining so many lives. I deserve death. Dua’s life will be over now. Dua comes there. Gulnaaz tries to stop her. Dua looks for Haider but he’s nowhere. Gulnaaz is hidden under the bed with his phone. Dua calls him. His phone rings. Gulnaaz turns the phone off. Dua wonders where did she hear it from? She sees Gulnaaz under the bed with phone. Dua says come out. Gulnaaz says forgive me please. Dua says where is Hadier? Why is his phone with you? Where is Haider?. You facilitated all this. She says I don’t know where Haider is. Dua shouts Gulnaaz tell me where is Haider. You’ve no shame left. I will make you say the truth. Gulnaaz tells her everything.

Haider is on his way. He says I can’t let anything happen to Gazal. Haider gets stuck in traffic. Gazal is under the sand. She says where is Haider? Will he come to save me or will I die here? The sand is constantly coming. She screams for help.Haider sees her.

Dua confronts Gulnaaz. Gulnaaz tells her the truth. Dua says you’ll have to tell everyone. Gulnaaz agrees. Ejaz thinks gazal has disappeared and he can’t let go of her. Gulnaaz tells Dua she told Haider gazal will kill herself so he went to save her and she stole his phone. Ejaz hears it. He says no one can stop gazal’s wedding witg haider now. Dua says to gulnaaz you saved your son but my life will be ruined now. Gazal has taken everything from me. Gulnaaz says forgive me. I did all this to save ruhan. Ejaz comes there. He makes a sign of killing. Gulnaaz gets scared and says my son can killed by these people. Dua says you have snatched away all my happiness.

Gazal’s actual colour will be revealed to everyone, according to Dua. She stays with them. Eihchaaz believes she will thwart his scheme. Gulnaaz fears that her son’s life will be in jeopardy if she tells them the truth. Dua is struck in the head by Gulnaaz. Ravi is seen by Eihchaaz, who believes he is moving towards this side. He confronts him and queries his purpose for being there. There is a verbal battle between the two. Door is closed by Gulnaaz. Ravi begins to knock on the door until he becomes suspicious. Gulnaaz apologises to Dua and feels that there is nothing else she can do. Ravi is communicated with by Gulnaaz using Dua’s voice before being sent. Gulnaaz sympathises with her and believes that Grandma knows the truth and she might reveal it.

Gazal cries out for help. She anticipates the worst. The truck is parked on the road, as seen by Haider. The driver wasn’t inside, he discovered. When he looks for the driver, he discovers him drunk. Haider considers taking some action to get close to Gazal. He pulled a key out of his pocket. In his mind, Eihchaaz could accidentally shatter Ruhan’s phone. What’s going on, Noor queries of him? According to Eihchaaz, she might have overheard everything. He assures her that everything would be fine once Ruhan comes back home. He hears from Noor that he is a kind man. Even after being beaten by Ravi, he continues to care about his family. Gazal’s energy levels drop. Dadi is anticipating Dua. After apologising to Dadi, Gulnaaz shuts the door. Dadi yells for help.

She makes Gulnaaz feel bad. Dadi begs the woman to open the door. Qainat aske Ravi Will Haider learn the truth from Dua? She wants to share it with him. Gulnaaz is concerned about her circumstance. Rahat arrives and makes fun of her there. Dadi yells for assistance. Dua began to slowly come to. The life of Gazal is at risk. Holding a knife, ejaz walks into Dua’s room. To save Gazal, Haider is accelerating with a different hand.

Haider rushes to the jungle and screams for Gazal. He comes to the graveyard and looks around. Gazal is getting buried under a grave. Haider can’t find her and says I am sorry Gazal.. I won’t be able to forgive myself for what my family did with her. He finds a grave which has a sand sack above it. He finds Gazal’s parents graves around it. He starts digging in the grave and finds a shovel. He says I won’t let you die on behalf of my family. He finds Gazal’s dupatta and digs some more. He finds Gazal in the grave.

Ijaz comes to Dua’s room and finds her unconscious, he takes out his knife. He is about to kill her but Gulnaz comes there and stops him. She pushes him away from Dua and shouts how dare you? she slaps him and says how dare you try to kill Dua? Ijaz pushes her away and shows her the knife, he says you slapped me? I won’t spare you, he attacks her but Gulnaz moves away. She asks who are you? Ijaz says I will kill you today. Gulnaz says if I die and you kill Dua then Haider won’t sapre you and Gazal. Ijaz thinks about it but Gulnaz snatches the knife from him, she says what were you saying? she asks him to get lost. Ijaz runs away. Gulnaz sits in front of Dua and recalls Dua telling that she can do anything for her family. She cries and kisses her forehead. She says I am sorry, I did so much wrong with you, please forgive me. I curse people who have hurt you.

Rahat brings food for Hina and asks her to eat something. She says I am hurt. Rahat says don’t think about Dua’s words. Hina says I feel like something wrong is going to happen. What if Dua takes away Haider from me. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.