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Sister Wives On ZeeWorld, Monday 10th June 2024 Update

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Sister Wives On ZeeWorld Monday 10th June 2024 Update, Hamida tells Dadi and Hafeez about Gazal attacking her so Hafeez says I won’t spare her. Dua says no, we can’t stoop to her level. She will be punished here only. I have started her punishment already. Dadi says curse her to always be in pain. Dua says I will keep giving her pain till we get rid of her. Hamida says that girl is a fox and can do anything. She can stoop to any level. Dua says I know that, she will try to harm my relationship with Haider more.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Sunday 9th June 2024 Update

Gazal calls Haider and cries. She says I am just getting hate from Dua. She is not even letting me live. Haider says I haven’t a lot of work and tension so stop giving me house tensions when I am at work. He ends the call. Gazal is angry an says he has all the time for Dua but not for me. Dua is proud of Haider and thinks he is her strength but I will fill his heart with hatred. It will start from today.

Hamida tells Dua that Gazal must be plotting against you. Dua says she might try but she can’t do it as I will make Haider believe that he is on the wrong side. He is not a bad man. Hamida says but he is trapped by Gazal. Dua says Gazal might have taken him but she can never be close to him, Haider will have to choose between us now. Haider will be hurt in all this but I have to test my love now. I will give more pain to Gazal before she can recover. Hamida says she can try to kill you, she is very dangerous. I am asking you to come with me. Dua says no, the war has started so I won’t run away now. Dadi says Hamida is right, you should leave. I never wanted that but I can’t see you in danger. You should leave and be safe. What if Gazal does something with you, she cries so Dua consoles her and says everything will be okay. Dadi says I don’t want to break you but I am asking you to leave becawe can’t against Gazal.

She threw me from the stairs but I didn’t say anything against her, do you know why? Dua says because Haider married her? We can expose her now. Dadi says we can’t… she cries and says I could have broken Haider and Gazal’s marriage, I could have exposed her but I didn’t do it.. Dua says why? Dadi says I was helpless, that Gazal has trapped everyone. Gulnaz comes there and says Ruhaan is not safe. All look on. Gulnaz tells Dua that Gazal has kidnapped Ruhaan and she threatened us to keep silent. His life is in danger. Dua says what? Gulnaz says when he left then Gazal got him kidnapped. Dua recalls Ruhaan running away from the venue and says what? Gulnaz says we had to be silent to keep Ruhaan safe. She cries and says we couldn’t do anything. Hamida gets angry and saya you both proved that blood is thicker than water. You put Dua in danger to save Ruhaan.

She tells Dua that all these people are trapped by Gazal, you should come with me. Dadi says she is right, you should leave. Gulnaz says Gazal can do anything. You know what she did with us? She tells her how Gazal showed Ruhaan tied and threatened Gulnaz, she made her work in her favor. Dua says Ruhaan is like my brother, I thought he left but he is in danger and I don’t know how he is.. Dadi says Gulnaz is so worried about him, she was helpless and couldn’t help you. Gulnaz cries and says we are silent because we are scared of Gazal harming Ruhaan. Dua says don’t worry, nothing will happen to Ruhaan as Gazal kidnapped Ruhaan so we will remain silent. If anything happens to Ruhaan then Dadi will expose her so she wouldn’t want that. She wouldn’t harm Ruhaan. Hafeez says how can we remain silent? Dua says we have to free Ruhaan from her. Let’s go. Hamida says don’t get involved in this, lets just go.

Dua says no, I can’t go as this house will be destroyed if I leave. If I leave then I will miss and worry about them all. I will leave this house only when I die. Dadi says I don’t want you to stay here but she tells Hamida that she wouldn’t listen to us. I pray for her safety. Gulnaz tells Hamida that we couldn’t help Dua before but give us a chance to fight with her, we will protect her. Hamida says okay, I will leave Dua here but she is not safe here so Hafeez will stay here with her. She asks Hafeez to protect his sister, she is our pride. He says nothing will happen to her. Hamida tells Dua that she worries about her. Dua says don’t worry, I will not let Gazal harm me, I know she is clever. Gulnaz says Gazal can do anything. Dua says I know that, she must be plotting something.

Gazal cuts her hand and it starts bleeding. Gazal says Dua has to pay for harming me. I will make Haider separate from Dua completely.

Gazal cuts her hand and promises to make Haider hate Dua soon.

Haider is sitting in his office and recalls Dua saying that Haider is disloyal and she doesn’t desire him. How she gave up Haider to Gazal. He looks at her photo and says I have betrayed you, I have given you so much pain. Gazal calls him but he cuts the call. He says I wish I can take away Dua’s pain, I wish I can bring her happiness back. I have destroyed Dua’s life to save Gazal’s life. Hina calls him but he cuts the call. He says Ami is responsible for this too, she couldn’t be a good mother to show me the way. Hina messages Haider to meet Rahat as he is going for pilgrimage.

Gazal is bleeding and says Haider will come on my side seeing my pain.

Hina is calling Haider and says he has to meet Rahat before he leaves.

Rahat meets Gulnaz and says I am still pained by you. I loved you a lot but you have hurt me too much. Gulnaz cries and says please forgive me. Rahat says I will try to. She hugs him and he asks her to take care of the kids. He looks at Noor and asks her to take care, he says to take care of Dua. Ijaz comes there and says I will pick up your luggage Abu. Rahat asks him to shut up. Noor says please don’t curse him, he has a good heart. She smiles at him. Gulnaz notices it and asks Ijaz to leave. Ijaz wishes the best to Rahat and takes his luggage from there. Rahat goes too. Gulnaz asks Noor what is going on? don’t you dare even look at Ijaz, he is a useless man. She goes from there. Noor says I don’t even know what she is talking about.

Scene 2
Gazal hits her head on the mirror and falls down in the warehouse. She laughs and says this pain is nothing in front of seeing Haider pinning for Dua, when I see him crying for Dua. I crave his love but he doesn’t even care, he is mine. She recalls Haider’s relationship with Dua and says he is mine, why does he worry about Dua still? I know how to snatch my right. Once he comes back then it will be a memorable day.

Dua brings Rahat’s ticket and asks him to take his medicine on time. Rahat smiles and says you are a mother of this house, I will remember everything. He asks Dua to be strong and prays for her success. Dua asks if he talked with Hina? He says I tried but I couldn’t. I know she would say something about you which I wouldn’t be able to bear. He asks Dadi to take care and says this house needs you. Dadi cries and says we couldn’t be fair in this house and I don’t want to live anymore. Rahat says we don’t have anyone else but you. Hina comes there and says what about me? All look on. Hina says I made your favorite laddos, I pray for your journey and everything will be fine when you come back.

This house will be cleansed from Dua when you come back. He glares at her and starts to leave but she says I will try to call Haider again. She calls him but he doesn’t pick up. Hina says he must be busy. Rahat asks Dua to call Haider. He takes her phone. Hina says he wouldn’t take her call if he didn’t take my call. Hina calls from Dua’s phone. Haider sees Dua calling and takes the call. He says I can’t believe you are calling me Dua. I was so worried and I can’t even believe we are talking. I can’t apologize enough, please say something. Hina has put the call on the speaker and all hear that. Dua looks on.

Rahat asks Dua to call Haider. He takes her phone. Hina says he wouldn’t take her call if he didn’t take my call. Hina calls from Dua’s phone. Haider sees Dua calling and takes the call. He says I can’t believe you are calling me Dua. I was so worried and I can’t even believe we are talking. I can’t apologize enough, please say something. Hina has put the call on the speaker and all hear that. Dua looks on. Hina says its me talking. Haider says why do you have Dua’s phone? is everything alright? did something happen? is my Dua okay? Hina is angry and says she is okay.

Your father is leaving so come and meet him, she ends the call. Hina glares at Dua and says he didn’t take my call but Dua has trapped him in such a way that she has made him against me. She tells Dua that you will burn in hell for making my son against me. God will punish you. Rahat throws away her laddos in anger while all look on. He shouts at Hina to stop it, Haider is repenting his mistake but you are still cursing the one who was wronged? Can’t you see that your son is not even talking to you, who used to run from the otherside on your one call. If you keep doing this then you will be alone in the world. Hina says that will happen with my enemies, you are cursing me so you should be ashamed.

Rahat says your son is against you, he might not even see your face in the future. Hina says stop it, you are taking Dua’s side? Rahat says you didn’t tell your son that he was wrong. I am scared that I might not want to see your face even when you die. Hina tells Dua that she must be happy hearing all that, you have made my son and my husband against me, you have burned my happiness so I will never forgive you. My kids are against me, my son doesn’t want to talk to me. You have made my family away from me, you have crossed all limits, you have destroyed my peace and happiness. Today either I die or you. All look on. She grabs her and starts strangling her. All rush to stop her but Dua keeps standing silent. Rahat pushes Hina away and slaps her hard.

All are shocked. Dadi tells Hina that how dare you try to kill Dua? you have crossed all limits today. She says yes, all limits have crossed. She tells Rahat how could he raise hand on her? Rahat says you are so shameless, you are not realizing my mistake, you have lost your self respect. Don’t you dare try to harm Dua again, she is not alone her, father is with her. I am still alive and nobody can harm Dua. He tells Dua that this is her real face, you wanted me to meet her before leaving her but her heart has been poisoned. Ravi says I will drop you off. Ijaz says I will help you both. Ravi says why are you helping this much? Rahat says I will leave now, he asks Dadi to take care. Dadi blesses him. Rahat tells Dua to not be scared of anyone, I pray that this family is protected from enemies.

He says goodbye and starts leaving. Hina cries and says please don’t be angry at me. Rahat says for God’s sake, stay away from me. He leaves with Ravi. Hina glares at Dua and says he left without talking to me, God will punish you for this. You have hurt a mother so I curse you. Dadi says you are still against Dua, stop blaming her for breaking your house, Rahat is right that you are following a wrong path.

Rahat is leaving the house, he tells Ravi to take care of Haider. Haider arrives there and says you are leaving without meeting me? I pray for your trip. I apologize for my mistakes, he hugs him and says I will miss you. Rahat doesn’t hug him back. He says I know you are angry at me but please bless me, he sits on his knees but Rahat starts leaving. Haider stops him and says I need my father’s blessings, he begs him. Rahat blesses him sadly and says I pray that you find the right path. He leaves from there.

Haider sees blood in the garden and thinks whose blood is that? he finds a trail and goes towards the storeroom. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.