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Razia Sultan ZeeWorld, Sunday 26th February 2023 update

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Razia Sultan on zee world Sunday 26th February 2023 update, Razia agreeing to marry old goose Yaldos in exchange of Mirza Althunia’s life. Sultan says she should marry her in 10 days and asks turkan to send mishievous lover outside Delhi. She signals puppet soldiers and they take him out of palace.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Saturday 25th February 2023 update

Yasir cries seeing Mirza confined. Mirza murmurs in his ears that they cannot keep him out of delhi for a long time. He sees fathima and asks if Razia really wants to separate from him and marry old goose Yaldos. She says she does not have answer for his question. He shouts. Soldiers drag from there. He thinks if Razia really wants to separate. He sees Razia coming running and watching him with sad face from balcony. He smiles looking at her and she turns her face and cries. Soldiers drag him out of palace.

Mirza asks Ruknuddin’s puppet soldier to let him meet Turkan. Puppet asks why. Mirza says he has made her his guru from today.

Fathima informs Razia that yaldos has sent tailors to take her bridal dress’s measurement. She says she saved Mriza but gave him a punishment of living without her his whole life. Razia says more than Mirza, she has one more motto in life and that is sultan, she has to free her kingdom from turkan and ruknuddins clutch.

Shamshad informs comatosed Altamash about Razia’s marriage with Yaldos in 10 days.

Soldiers take Mirza to Turkan’s room. She starts questioning him and says she is sultan’s mother and knows to only snatch things. He says her son is a waste body. She gets angry. He reminds her of Delhi’s subedari competition and says he had won it. She asks why did not he claim subedari then. He says a shayari and says he is king of his own thoughts. She asks what can he do for him. He says he can get her savior sultan.

Razia gives money as reward to tailor and he refuses saying Ruknuddin will kill him. She angrily tells Fathima that people are so afraid of Ruknuddin. Fathima says kingdom and power is in his hands. Razia says shew will break his power as a savior sultan. Mirza on the other side tells Turkan that people will start misbehaving with her and ruknuddin if sultan comes into power, so he will destroy sultan for them.

old goose yaldos strangulating Turkan and asking why did she disobey him by freeing Mirza. Turkan says she has a reason behind it. He throws her on floor and asks what is it. She says mirza is the one who defeated Ruknuddin in subedari competition. She will use him to catch savior sultan who is a threat for Ruknuddin’s throne.

Fathima tells Razia that Mirza is shattered and was repeatedly asking if Razia cares her. Razia says she cares for him, so she sent him away from cruel ruknuddin and prostitute turkan. She now will take revenge from them alone.

Yaldos says turkan that he will spare her now and wants savior sultan arrested in 10 years before his marriage, else he will kill her and her joker son. Turkan thinks because of Razia and her boyfriend, her life is at risk repeatedly, soon she will kill them.

Razia writes a letter to Ruknuddin on hourse’s cloth and sends horse to his room. Horse walks through town to palace. People are surprised to read sultan’s challenge for ruknuddin and even Shazia is surprised and asks Shamshad who is dare to confront ruknuddin. She says who else, savior sultan. Horse reaches Ruknuddin’s room who is busy romancing girls. He wakes up and reads letter to come and challenge sultan in laal chowk. He angrily gets ready and try to leave with his sword when his prostitute mom stops him and asks him to calm down.

Razia feeds poor and discusses with Fathima that she wants to remove Ruknuddin’s fear from people’s hearts. Ruknuddin on the other side angrily tells turkan that he will kill sultan in 1 blow. She asks him to calm down and keeps his sword back. He says if he does not go out, sultan will come here and kill him. Turkan says sultan cannnot break such a huge security and enter. He beefs up security.

Fathima asks Razia how will she get ruknuddin out of his den. She throws arrow and it hits ruknuddin’s cap and then chandelier. Ruknuddin gets afraid and shivers seeing sultan written on arrow. Turkan comes and asks why is he shivering. He shows arrow. She asks him to move out of palace to a safest place. He plans to move to his hunting palace and asks soldiers to bring Mirza. Mirza is busy with his friend Daru. Yasir sees him and says he is happy seeing him back and will now inform razia. Mirza says he wants to surprise Razia. Soldiers inform him that ruknuddin is seeking him. He meets ruknuddin who scolds him where was he when sultan attacked him. He jokes with ruknuddin and fools him.

Razia sees yasir carrying scratching powder and takes from him. She thinks she will apply it on ruknuddin as a savior sultan. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.