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New Beginnings Episode 33

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We started this episode with Matthew together with Dodong and Ely getting this specimen to the lab to be tested.
They leave after this and Ian apologizes to Irene for everything that is going on and Irene says that no matter the outcome nothing will change between her and Ely and Matthew comes to say not with him. Matthew stretchd his hands to tell Dodong that he is looking forward to getting to know him and he refuses. They leave after that which Ely apologized to Jose for being an inconvenience and he says its nothing . Dodong assure Gabriel and Irene that no matter the outcome of the results they can always count on him.

They get to the hospital and they meet Hilda and grandma pet asleep and Monica asks to be hugged by Dodong and Tisay and they have another great family reunion.
The next day Ian tells Maggie that the results will be released today and Maggie assures him that no matter the storm that comes their way they will always be together.
Monica asks dodong whether he is alright and he says yes and gives them the news of enrolling next semester.

While Maggie and Ian were talking Cai comes in to wish him goodluck and she hugs him and leaves and Maggie says that she believes that they will get together once again. While Dodong and Tisay speak with Monica and Jose he Dodong feels down and tisay rush him outside and says that is he alright and he says yes but can’t help feel down. Just tgen Jose comes to tell them that they are needed and that the results are ready.

They leave immediately and when they get there they find out that Ely is not Matthews son but rather its Dodong and Matthew gets up to make a call. While Tisay was talking with Monica she gets a message from Jose that its true that Ely and Dodong were switched and Monica assures her that they will be ok and since not one of them said they will leave their family.

Cai sits in front of her dressing mirror and starts to think of what Maggie said. She takes her laptop and reveals herself to social media the kind of life she is leaving with Maggie and Ian. She tells eveyone that they made her suffer physically and emotionally because they couldn’t take her as an average student. So she tells them not to trust the Veradonas because they are not who they think they are.
Tisay while taking care of her mother is being forced by a fake repoter to tell her life of how she is and she goes bullastic to tell them that Diana is not a saint like she has made everyone to believe. Maggie sees the video and rushes to stop Cai and slaps Cai for what she did and cai gets angry because she got manipulated and cease her accessories.

Irene and Dodong are left to talk after the DNA result. Jiji tells Hilda that she did an investigation and that they will soon find who ponce is. She asks of Cai and Hilda says she is doing better.

Jose assures Ely that he will always be there for him. Irene speaks with Ely and tells her that in as much as the result are not what he had expected she hopes that everything will be better. She asks to be offered a chance to be part of being part of his life and he says ok. He leaves and Ely rushes to speak with him and asks to speak with him but he assures him of what to do .

Dodong gets to the hospital and Tisay hugs her and tells her that its her turn to tell her what he and Angge told her when she was in this situation. Monica consoles Dodong and he plays okay but he isn’t. Tisay is being called by Ian and she goes to see him . Tisay thanks Ian for what he did and Ian tells him Thank you and she says for what and tisay says that she knows that he is donating his kidney to save his mother and Ian assures her that he didn’t do it for her to accept him .

Matthew makes a scene and this time Irene fight back and makes him look like the coward he is and threaten him of putting him in jail.

Irene tells him that he doesn’t have a family any more because he destroyed them and they leave.
Angge gets outside of New Beginnings and sees Otep. She goes to speak with him and gives her a drink and Angge tells him that she feels she was switched and asks Otep if he knows any other babies that were switched and Otep volunteers to ask for her.

The episode ends with Dodong telling Jose that even though his case his not the same as tiays he will never leave him and mother and he leaves to the house. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.