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Mehek on zee one, Friday 11th November 2022 update

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Mehek Series
Mehek Series

Coach says I know who were those thugs. Coach says I know what you and your dad are upto. Shaurya says I will show everyone truth. He takes mahek’s hand and puts her in the car. Mahek says what are you doing. Coach says stop it. Shaurya brings her to his home. He takes her inside. Mahek says what are you doing. Coach comes there on his bike.

Shaurya says did you send thugs to mahek’s house. Dadi says are you crazy. Shaurya says why is he silent? Yuvraj says how dare you shout in front of your dad. Shaurya says I am asking you something. He holds Mahek’s hand and says whatever you attack on mahek is attack on me. I am her shelter. If you harm her you harm me.
I wont let you go to her. Yuvraj says for this girl you will shout in front of me. Shauyra says you can kill

but I wont let you touch her. Yuvraj shoves him out of the house and says get out. Mahek leaves with coach.
Mahek comes home. Sajita says are you okay? We should do something. Mahek says he cant fool me with his father. Mahek says why is he doing this drama? Swwati says he is doing it sincerely. I don’t think his intentions are bad. Mahek tells Swati how she fooled shaurya. Swati says your intentions were wrong not his. You should apologize him. Mahek says I can’t trust him. Something bad will happen if we become friends. ]

Shaurya sits outside. Dadi says come in. He says I will go to hostel. she says come in. She takes him inside.

Scene 2
Next morning, principal calls coach. Mahek goes to canteen and eats. He gives her diet food. Mahek says this isn’t for me. He says Shaurya sent this for you. He opened his new section in the canteen. This is free for everyone. Shaurya cooks. everyone congratulates him. Mahek says did I ask for it?> He says champ should eat it. You wont get unhealthy food. so this is all you have. Mahek steals samossa and tries to eat it. Shaurya says I will tell coach. She stops. He says you have to eat this healthy food. Maahek eats it and says its tasty.

Yuvraj comes in and breaks Shaurya’s section. Shaurya says daddy listen.. Yuvraj beats him with a hockey. Students stop Shaurya. he says I am seeing this day because of being nice to him. Yuvraj leaves. Everyone says what an idiot man is he. Shaurya was only working hard.

Mahek looks for Shaurya. He is sitting alone. Mahek comes to him and says you are injured. Lets go to medical room. Your dady shouldn’t have done this. This all happened because of my lie. He says my daddy is like that. Mahek says thats so wrong. He says he can never change. Anyways, thank you. Coach comes and says what is happening here? Mahek come to boxing ring? She leaves.
Shaurya comes home. Yuvraj is about to slap him. He hugs him.

He says sorry you are hurt. I shouldn’t have hit you. Shaurya says because of you i have seen concern on Mahe’s face for me for the first time. She will fall in my trap and then I will make her lose. Sorry mahek. They both laugh.

Mahek says to Sajita i only asked shauyra how he is. His father hit him. Coach saw it and is making fuss out of nothing.
Dadi makes shaurya eat. Yuvraj says you have to eat to heal these wounds. shaurya says my wounds will heal when Mahek loses.
Coach says he is playing with you. He is fooling you. He wants to take your family from you and make you alone. He wants to be your friend so you can not focus on him. Mahek says don’t argue with him. Coach leaves. Sajita says are you crazy. Have you forgotten his favors on us? And brought us here. How can you be so rude to him. Mahek says he is like a God to me as well but I can’t listen everything. Sajita says we have this house and food because of him. He never cared for himself. If he didn’t save us your father would have

married you to an old man.
Shaurya looks at Gulab jamun and says I will do wonder with it.
Swati says should I take food for Mahek? Sajita says no. How can she disrespect coach for that guy. Mahek gets a call. She says you.. Its Shaurya. He says Mahek are you okay? This all is my mistake. Should I come? She says no don’t do all this. He says okay as you say. she says how is everything in your house? He says I have seen this from childhood. I was gonna leave house. How do I tell daddy I am doing all this for myself not you. Mahek says coach also thinks I am wrong and you are a bad guy. Shaurya says their mentality is small. Finally someone understands me. And they didn’t even come to me with food. I am so hungry. She hangs up.

At night, Mahek tries to sleep. Shaurya calls her. He says come out. Mahek comes out. Shaurya has brought for for her. He serves her and they both eat sitting on the street.
Mahek says you shouldn’t have done this. He says you were hungry. Shaurya makes Mahek eat. Mahek says you should eat too. He says you eat I am fine. Mahek makes him eat. Mahek sees flashbacks. Shaurya says lets have some gulab jaumuns. Mahek eats them. Swati sees them.

Yuvrahj comes to principal and says rules are for everyone. Mahek got admission here on grace marks. She has to take 50% or she will be out of college. He leaves.
Yuvraj says to coach she is zero is studies. She will become champ is she passes the exams. I will see how she succeeds.
Mahek says what should I do. I can’t study. How will I get 50%. Coach says Yuvraj got this point. I would got you cleared otherwise. He and his son are in this game. Mahek says its not shaurya’s mistake. How will I get 50. He says even I can’t help you in this. you should join coaching class and take help from swati. Mahek sayys yeah you are right.
Shaurya comes to Mahek. He says don’t worry. I will help you in exams. I am class topper and your senior. I can help you more than anymore. Mahek says coach sir is working. I will study form Swati otherwise. Shaurya says there is very less time left. don’t ruin your career in name of ego. You have to take 50% say yes I will find away out. If you fail forget boxing. Mahek says okay teach me.

Coach calls different people to teach mahek but they all say that very few days are left. Mahek says I will study on my own. He says yes you have to. Mahek texts Shaurya teach me. Shaurya tells Yuvraj. Yuvraj says well done my son. Win her trust completely.
Shaurya comes to college. Mahek texts him I will see you at night.

At night, Mahek sneaks out of the house. She comes and sits with Shaurya on street. They both study together. Mahek looks here and there. She is sleepy. Shaurya says focus here. Concentrate. He says okay sleep. We will study after boxing practice. Mahek goes in.

Mahek is doing boxing practice. Yuvraj gives shaurya a paper and says this should be in her bad.

Shaurya meets Mahek and teaches her. He says solve these questions. Shaurya puts the paper in her bag. He texts Yuvraj done. No one can save her now.

Coach calls Mahek and says where are you? She says coming. Mahek sees samosas in canteen. She eats them. Coach calls again. She says I am coming sir. She comes to him and says I forgot my bag in the class. He says this is protein shake and pppowder. Yuvraj comes with management. Principal says she has stolen question papers. Coach says enough with your stupid stories. Professor says okay let us check. Mahek says how long will keep accusing me? Who is he to tell you to check my bag? Yuvraj says if you haven’t done anything then show your bag. Check her bag she would try to hide it. Professor says Mahek don’t give him a chance and cooperate. they check Mahek’s bag.

Sajita sees a woman falling. she gets hurt. She picks her up, its Kanta. She takes kanta to hospital.

The teacher takes out samosa from her bag. The teacher takes out a paper its wet. They can’t read anything. Yuvraj says it must be exam question. Coach says you are saying as if you put it in her bag. Shaurya says to Yuvraj can’t you leave her alone? I am sorry Mahek. Neber knew my dad would stoop so low. Coach says this is all joined game of you and your dad. Shaurya says I can’t tell you how clean my heart is. he says my dad accused her falsely. You would have suspended Mahek if it was paper. Similary Yuvraj should be kicked out of sports committee. Principal says we will announce our decision soon. They leave.

Shaurya comes home. Yuvraj is angry. He says how will I help you? You got me out of sports committee. He says that paper was useless. we would have been in trouble so I had to do this to save you. We have to make a bigger plan.

Swati says mahek ma is nowhere. Her phone is off. Shaurya says once she is in my trap she will regret coming to the city.

Scene 2
Swati and MAhek are worried for sajita. Swati goes up to take her phone. Shaurya comes and gives Mahek flowers. He says these are for our friendship. I had to make up for what dad did. He gives her ssamosa. Swati sees him. He says I should go now. Swait says ma is in hospital. She took an old woman there. Shaurya says SHould I take you there?
Mahek comes to hospital. Sajita says what is he doing here? Ask him to leave.

Shaurya says I can stay herre for help. Mahek says no you go. Nurse says we need o negative blood. Shaurya says I have o negative blod. I can donate. Swati says you should.