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Meet in love zee world, Thursday 6th June 2024 Update

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Meet in love on zee world Thursday 6th January 2024 update, Manmeet in his room remembers about Meet. His sister’s walks in with clothes and mistakenly drops his perfume bottle. One his sister get’s scared badly and apologies to him. Manmeet says no need to worry you just broke a bottle. She says if I would have done same thing with some other male in this house, he would have scolded me and hit me. Manmeet says to Anuja you didn’t break it on purpose.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Wednesday 5th June 2024 Update

Otger sister says you are not like other male in this house then why do you behave so bad with Meet, what if someone else would have done same with your sister would you be able to handle it. Manmeet says to Anuja and Meghna no but now answer me one question, when you will get married and someone come and handcuffs your father and disrespect your mother will you two be able to handle it. They says no. Manmeet says then why should I accept it and don’t worry and if someone tries to harm my sister’s I’ll break him, I was away from my family from last 25 years and now I can get love from my them. Manmeet walks out of room.

Meet says to Manmeet come with me fast I have to show you something so come with me, she hide with him behind wall and says to him, Shagun is saying something about you which you should not hear. Maneet say’s I’ll talk to her in person. Meet stops him from going inside room. Manmeet looking at Gunwanti and Shagun from outside the room. Gunwanti helping her to change clothes. Shagun says I don’t want to be second wifw I know how people behave with second daughter in law in this house, I don’t want to marry him and Gunwanti mistakenly tears her dress. Manmeet in shock after seeing that. Gunwanti says calm down a little.

Meet says to Manmeet if you sill go and talk to her she will say no right now and then you will get angry, I just brought you here to show everything so that in future you don’t accuse me for anything, you wait here I’ll go check on her. Meet keeps her hand Manmeet’s chest. Manmeet remove her hand. Meet says to him you can leave I’ll handle.

Mahandra on call. Manmeet walks to him and ask him to get alcohol. Mahandra says okay and leave.

Meet walks to Gunwanti and Shagun. Manmeet outside see them talking to eachother. Meet see Manmeet looking at them. Manmeet thinks I’m smart I know you are trying to break my marriage but I won’t let that happen. Meet looks at him thinks I won’t let you marry her until I get the documents and before that I won’t leave.

Jasodha looking at Meet working for the marriage arrengements. Jasodha says to Sundari till now nobody would have worked like she is doing, I bet she is planning something. Manmeet sit beside Jasodha says don’t you worry just be happy I know how to handle Meet and he leave. Jasodha says to Sundari my son is worried about Meet not happy for his marriage why not I send her somewhere before marriage, amke her run away so that my son can feel relaxed and enjoy his marriage.

Meet, Jasodha and Gunwanti in store room. Jasodha says Manmeet had bought ear rings for Shagun and he lost them somewhere here and Meet to look inside room. Meet walk inside room. Jasodha and Gunwanti ask her to walk inside room. Meet knocks door from inside. Everyone outside lock and trap her inside room. Meet inside room trying to find a way to go out of room. Meet bump into Manmeet and get’s scared. Manmeet says why are you shouting. Meet says I was looking for ear rings your bought for Shagun. Manmeet says stop lying I never bought anything for Shagun. Meet says you mother lied to me and brought me here but tell me what are you doing here. Manmeet shouting from inside to open door.

Gunwanti says to Jasodha we cannot find Manmeet and Panditji is also calling him. Jasodha ask her to look for Manmeet.

Manmeet says nobody can hear me. Meet says I know I tried that too and you know your mom made a very good plan so that I cannot come to your marriage but bad luck now you also cannot go to your marriage. Manmeet looking for something to open door, he finds a box and says we got a way to grabs everyone’s attention. Meet lloks at box and says no need to burst crackers in closed room and I’m scared of them. Manmeet makes fun of her and says Me and Shagun will get married you cannot stop that from happening and light a matchstick and throw it in box. Firecrackers start bursting. Meet get’s scared and hugs Manmeet tightly.
Jasodha and her daughter in law’s unlock door and fine Manmeet and Meet together inside room, everyone in shock after seeing them together. Imarti makes fun of situation. Manmeet walk out of room. Jasodha ask her how do you get inside. Manmeet say’s I was left inside because of you and walk away. Meet says Manmeet was tell me he didn’t buy anything for Shagun I think you are facing memory loss because of your age so being first wife if my husband I did every arrengements for his second marriage.

Mahandra guve alcohol to Manmeet. They sit together. Manmeet mix alcohol in juice and thinks now I’ll see how you will stop my marriage.
Meet ask Panditji where will groom sit? He tell her location and leave.

Shagun remembers what Meet said to her about being second wife. Meet says to Shagun try to smile or else everyone will think I did something. Manmeet walks to them. Meet says to Manmeet she is not ready for marriage. Manmeet says no worries cone we will make her mood right together, he ask Meet to tie payal in Shagun’s leg. Meet says okay and help her to wear payal. Manmeet says to Shagun look at Meet she is sitting in your legs being first wife because that’s her place. Manmeet make Shagun feel better. Gunwanti walks in with juice. Shagun get’s happy and hungs Manmeet. Gunwanti offer juice to Meet. Meet takes a glass. Manmeet give lipstick to Meet and ask her to apply on Shagun’s lip and he leave. Meet says first I’ll fulfill my husband’s wish and apply lipstick on your lips. Shagun takes a glass of juice. Gunwanti takes glass from her says this is not yours this one have lot’s of ice in it and will make you sick. Jasodha ask to bring bride downstairs. Meet drinks the glass says this was so good I’m feeling fresh now and ask Shagun to have other glass. Gunwanti says to Shagun drink fast and come downstairs. Shagun drinks whole glass of juice.

Meet walks towards havan. Narendra’s wife walks to Meet and says don’t let your husband marry someone else. Jasodha shouts everyone come fast. Narendra’s wife gives Gajra to Meet and walks away. Jasodha walks to Meet shows her a box and says this is for you. Meet get’s excited and says is this a saree for me? Jasodha says to Meet its a hanky, this will come handy when your husband will get married to Shagun and will help you wipe off those tears. Meet takes blessings from her and says this is first time ever you have given a gift to me, I’ll use it well.

Pandit chanting. Manmeet sitting near Panditji. Shagun walks with Meet towards mandap. Manmeet help her to sit down. Meet looking at Shagun. Manmeet scolds Meet for staring at Shagun and says you might be knowing all the rituals and asks her to tie knot. Manmeet asks Panditji to start chanting. Meet stands behind them and acts as if she is drunk. Manmeet says I think so my plan of getting her drunk is working, now she won’t be able to stop my marriage. Meet stumbles and sit down. Jasodha says I think Meet is hurt because her husband is getting married. Jasodha asks Mahendra and Gunwanti to tie knot. Meet starts acting wierd. Manmeet looks at her and says to Jashoda, she talks a lot about women empowerment but look at her now she is knocked out and asks Shagun why aren’t you saying anything? Manmeet scolds Panditji to for not saying any mantra. Pandit asks them to get up for pehra. Shagun stands up but Manmeet unable to and tries hard to stand-up. Everyone makes fun of him and asks him to stand-up. Meet remembers asking Panditji where will groom sit so she can execute her plan, she applies glue on groom’s stool. Meet looks at Manmeet and says time is running and he is not standing, I think he doesn’t want to marry. Manmeet tries to get up and tears his pants. Everyone laughs. Meet walks to Manmeet and asks what happened. A man says we can see everything from behind. Manmeet sits down. Meet says no need to worry she gives him hanky and says Jasodha gave this to me today morning to wipe my tears but now this can help you to save yourself from this insult. Manmeet ties hanky around him and walks out.

Manmeet comes back to mandap after changing clothes and says to Meet, I’ll get married today and you cannot stop me, he asks Panditji to start chanting. Inspector Bhati shouts stop this marriage, it’s illegal to have two marriages. Meet remembers exchanging glass and giving alcohol mixed juice to Shagun. Mahendra walks to Inspector and says when bride and groom are ready why you are having problem. Inspector says we got complaint from your house about this marriage. Mahendra scolds Meet and says you called him. Meet says I swear I did nothing, I said yes for this marriage. Sarkar asks who would dare to do this. Bhati says we got call from Shagun. Gunwanti says I cannot believe it and tries to ask Shagun. Meet remembers calling inspector Bhati and tells him that she has applied glue in Shagun’s lipstick and after applying it she won’t be able to answer anything. Inspector Bhati tells her having a second marriage is a felony. Meet says I want to teach them a lesson.

Manmeet shouts at Shagun and ask her to speak. Inspector Bhati says to everyone look at this girl you are forcefully making her marry, you have given her alcohol and sealed her lips this is also a crime. Constable walks to Shagun. Everyone asks her to say something. Inspector says you cannot force anyone. Mahendra and Gunwanti says we are not forcing her to do anything. Inspector asks female constable to take her. Meet whispers to Shagun and says you could have written it and shown to Inspector but you wasted all your money on makeup instead of using some on your brains. Female constable takes Shagun away.

Meet walks to Manmeet and says I told you she doesn’t want to marry you. Manmeet get’s angry on Meet and says you did wrong. Meet says I swear I wanted you to marry her. Manmeet twists her hand and says I’m asking you for last time pack your bag and leave or else I’ll ruin your life.

Manmeet breaks her bangles and says you are window and if you try to come in between I’ll crush your husband’s dream too, I know very well why you are here, you are here to get documents but I won’t give you, you can call anyone and pushes her away. Meet thinks I’m ready to be insulted for my Meet Ahlawat and remembers her husband’s dream to build factory. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

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