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Meet in love zee world, Monday 3rd June 2024 update

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Meet in love on zee world Monday 3rd June 2024 update, Gunwanti and Jasodha pulls Imarti playing Meet and ties her with rope and everyone enjoys it. Narandra laughing and falls down on floor. Manmeet walk towards Sarkar and everyone laughing. Inspector Bhati looking at video see everyone together enjoying and laughing. Bhati says he have both hands.
Sarkar praises Manmeet for his actions and says you are my true son, Chotay Sarkar. Inspector Bhati in shock after knowing Manmeet is his younger son. Meet walking in corridor of police station.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Sunday 2nd June 2024

Meet in police station. Bhati calls her says sorry Meet I have leave suddenly. Meet say no worries I’m in police station so can you ask someone to show me video, I’m sure you might have seen something. Bhati says everyone was making fun of you and I saw whole footage nothing was important in that. Inspector Bhati get’s kidnapped and Manmeet pointing gun at him and ask him to lie. Bhati says the footage is in my laptop and I can’t share it’s password there are many confidential files in it, I’ll show you footage tomorrow. Meet says first Bhati called me urgently and now he is asking me to come tomorrow.

Manmeet and his men scare Bhati. Manmeet says did you forget Sarkar rule this place and you thought you will see inside Sarkar’s palace with help of camera and I won’t find it, let me tell you how I got to know…
(Manmeet walks to Narandra to help him get up and finds hidden camera in his locket. Manmeet thinks this means someone is watching everything but who is using so much of brain, I’m sure it’s Meet and Inspector Bhati.)

Inspector Bhati try to free himself. Manmeet says what happen why are you so eager to tell Meet everything, don’t worry once we are married everyone will tell her truth. Inspector says I’m rush to tell truth to Meet and save her from getting cheated. Manmeet mocks him and says Meet by herself walked inside hell when she kept foot in Sarkarpur and her life was ruined when she saw me for first time.

Meet in her bedroom feeling anxious.

Manmeet says now nobody can stop us from getting married and if someone try to stop it then I won’t let this happen.

Meet sit down and says I feel like something bad is going to happen.

Badri breaks Inspector Bhati phone. Manmeet warn Badri and ask him to take proper care of him. Manmeet thinks Meet is more smart then I thought, she won’t sit quiet if Bhati is not available, I have to find out what she is thinking.

Manmeet call Meet. Meet pick up his phone and ask what happen. Manmeet says what are you thinking about, were you thinking about me and new life. Meet thinks what should I do, should I tell him Sarkar is planning something, right now I don’t have proper evidence to tell him. Manmeet ask what happen where are you lost, can you hear me. Meet says nothing, I don’t understand why I’m not able to sleep. Manmeet says don’t worry I’ll help you to sleep. Meet says before marriage we are not allowed to see eachother. Manmeet says our heart are connected to eachother and sing song for her. Meet start laughing says enough I won’t sleep with this song you will make me hate this song. Manmeet says you can hate the song but don’t hate me and ask her to sign song for him. Meet sing song for him and end up with tears in her eyes. Manmeet sleep and start snoring. Meet hungs up phone and go to sleep.

Babita ask Ragini about Meet and walk inside room. Babita see Meet dressed up and gets happy. Ragini says Meet is ready and ask how does she look. Meet take Babita’s blessings.

Manmeet get’s video call from Jasodha. Jasodha get’s emotional after seeing him. Manmeet says soon your oath will be completed give me your blessings. Jasodha says my blessings are always with you.

Raj get’s emotional after seeing Meet says I’m feeling very sad, it feels like I’m giving my own daughter to someone else, we didn’t give birth to you but my heart will sink when you will leave this house.

Jasodha says I feel very blessed for having you, I know you will always be with me whenever I want you, I want to see her getting tortured only then I’ll feel good.

Meet says to Raj you loved me like a father and always kept me blessed, it’s hard for me too to stay away from everyone.

Manmeet says wait for sometime more then nobody will be able to stop your from taking your revenge, your time is coming to tie your hairs, now give me blessings I have to leave. Jasodha give him blessings and disconnects call.

Manmeet in hie room working out and remember the time police taking Sarkar with them and Jasodha taking oath and he promising everyone to take revenge from Meet. Manmeet says after today’s marriage my revenge will be done and my mom’s oath will be fulfilled. Manmeet receive video call from Gunwanti. He in shock pick up call. Shagun on other side greet him and says today I have kept fast so you are able to take your revenge, I was missing you that’s why I called you. Manmeet scolds her says are you mad why are you trying to attract trouble and tell me why did you called me from Gunwanti’s number where is your phone.

Gunwanti ask Shagun did you tell Manmeet that you left your phone at Meet’s house. Shagun says no. Gunwanti just take care of yourself soon you will get married to him and I think god listened to oyr prayers that’s no one got your phone, now stop worrying about it and she leaves. Shagun says I’m worried Meet should not get my phone.

Pandit chanting prayer. Meet sitting alone for prayer. Panditji ask her to pray with flower for good and happy life. Meet remember her encounter with Shagun and Inspector Bhati tell her about something important but soon he left police station. She open her eyes says I’m unable to connect dots, something is wrong, I should call Bhati so that I can check footage. Meet calls him but his number is switched off. Babita walks her and ask about pooja and scolds her for using phone. Meet says one minute I need to call Bhati he asked me to call today morning. Babita scolds her says Manmeet is waiting for you to get married but because of your stubbornness you are making wait Manmeet too atleast think about her.

Manmeet sitting in mandap. Pandit ask to call bride. Manmeet looking towards stairs. Raj says Meet is here. Meet coming downstairs with Ragini and Ishani. Everyone happy to see her. Manmeet looks at her thinks I’m bringing Meet to you.

Jasodha standing with Meet’s photo. Jasodha ask Panditji to start havan, my son is bringing his bride for one day, today will be my life’s biggest victory.

Manmeet help Meet to enter inside mandap. Panditji ask to exchange garlands. Manmeet put garland on Meet. Meet remembers her time when she got married to Meet Ahlawat. Meet thinks I still feel sceptical about this relation but I trust you mom and dad that’s why I’m getting married to him and put garland on Manmeet. Everyone throwing flowers on them. Manmeet and Meet sit down for further rituals.

Inspector Bhati trying to free himself.

Panditji ask Raj to complete ritual for Kanya Daan. Raj praises Meet for her love and says to Manmeet I can guarantee you she will always keep you happy. Manmeet thinks I can guarantee you this will be your last happiness. Raj says I’m giving you my most important thing just take care of one thing she should not cry ever. Manmeet looks at Meet and nod his head.

Inspector Bhati free his hand and thinks I have to tell Meet before phera that he is son of Sarkar. Goons behind him drinking alcohol.

Panditji ask Babita to do further ritual of gathbandhan. Babita help to tie there knots and says this is slipping again and again don’t know why I’m unable to tie. Manmeet give another piece of cloth to tie them together. Babita guve thek blessings.

Inspector Bhati stand up and throw sand in there eyes and run away.

Meet says we will stick together with eachother in any condition and start taking pehra with them.

Jasodha tear Meet’s photo and throw it in havan. Everyone at Sarkar’s palace doing pooja.

Panditji ask Bride and Groom to start pehra. Meet says we will always be together in our life and start taking pehra.

Jasodha tear Meet’s photo and throw it in havan.

Meet says I’ll always respect your family and being you wife you will always stand for me.

Jasodha says I’ll burn your self respect and reputation, she tear other part of her photo in throw it in havan.

Bhati run away from goons and think I have to tell truth about Manmeet to meet. Goons chasing him.

Meet says I promise to be with you till my death and want same promise from you.

Jasodha says you are coming to this house as one day bride and throw her photo in havan.

Meet says promise me you will respect me same way like you respect your family. Pandit ask Groom to come forward.

Jasodha says from this family you will only get disrespect and punishment. Sarkar enjoying.

Meet says promise me I’ll have all the rights of being a daughter in law. Manmeet receive message from Badri saying Inspector ran away. Manmeet thinks I have to be quick.

Jasodha says this house will be hell for you.

Meet says promise me you won’t disrespect me. Manmeet says sure now come fast.

Inspector Bhati outside Ahlawat mansion. Security guard says you cannot go inside. Bhati says I’ll try to enter inside from back door.

Meet and Manmeet chunri start burning. Meet try to remove dupatta. Manmeet says don’t remove I don’t want any bad omen say your promise fast. Meet says promise me you won’t share your love with anyone and no woman will come in your life. Manmeet says sure. Meet thinks what childish behaviour is this, everything will burn. Both of there dupatta on fire. They complete pehra and throw away dupatta.

Jasodha finally tear her whole photo throw it in havan and complete her ritual. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

READ NEXT: Meet in love, Tuesday 4th June 2024 Update