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Meet in love zee world, Friday 7th June 2024 Update

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Meet in love on zee world Friday 7th June 2024 Update, Meet says to Manmeet, as per rule in this house a wife has to listen to whatever her husband says, and you want me to go out so I will but I will go out my way. Meet gets a stole and climvs on it with a dupatta and ties it across her neck. Jashoda tries to stop her, Meet shouts and says step back and says as per our old rituals a bride comes in doli and leaves when she dies in coffin, and so I will also die. Jashoda says Mahendra stop her.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Thursday 6th June 2024 Update

Manmeet sees a knife and thinks now she will see my game. Manmeet walks to Meet with knife and cuts dupatta, Meet falls on him. Meet says to him you just proved we are going to be together for long. Manmeet leaves. Meet thinks, Manmeet is so mad about his wedding getting cancelled, how must my in laws at Ahlawat house must have felt after you betrayed them.

Manmeet working out in anger, gets call from Shagun while crying.
Manmeet’s sister show Meet her room and says this is Manmeet’s room and yours as well from today and every morning he needs to listen to Hanuman Chalisa and only then he wakes up, thats your work now. Meet says to her, let Badri only wake him up or else he will annoy whole house and did you Delhi work happen. She says it was my dream and here you aren’t allowed to dream, you go to sleep Manmeet is angry he won’t sleep. Meet says its good if he doesn’t you stay here with me, we will chat all night.
She says I cant,I stay in Patallok and we aren’t allowed in Vaikunthadham. Meet says what nonsense is this. She shows Meet two sections of Sarkar’s palace one side which has all luxuries and only women who give birth to son are allowed to stay here and rest in hell i.e Patallok and we are treated as servants.

Gunvanti walks in and starts shouting at everyone and asks them to get the work done quickly. Meet says what rubbishness goes on here. Meghna says we see a hope in you, you are first one who has taken stand in sarkarpur and I am sure you will free us from this torture. Meghna’s mother calls her in Patallok quickly.

Shagun says to Manmeet,this is all Meet’s plan, it was our childhood dream tp get married and stay together. Manmeet says don’t cry, Meet will have to pay for every single tear of yours.

Manmeet walks to Meet with fire, Meet asleep. Manmeet says you wanted to die here and so you will. Manmeet pours kerosene all around Meet and about to light her, Sarkar stops him and takes him out.
Sarkar says to Manmeet you are my smartest kid but killing her would be your worst decision, lets go.

Sarkar offers drinks to Manmeet, Manmeet says I can’t I have to train. Sarkar says love and war both needs to be played carefully, don’t forget Meets family has higher contacts too. Manmeet says 24yrs I was away from you but you never let me fell that but today I want one thing that is my Shagun, Meet broke my heart by breaking my marriage and so she has to die. Sarkar says come sit near me and says I understand your pain, you married Meet for your parents, lets do a thing give Meet her papers she will leave and you can marry Meet, Manmeet says Meet has started this game and now it will end when one of us ends.

Sarkar says to Manmeet, what I am thinking about is why dod Meet chose to be your wife and come here, she could have tried any other way, why this, she knew this is very risky and could kill her. Manmeet breaks glass in his hand and says whatever game she has planned, I will bring it in front of everyone tomorrow.

Meet next day sees everyone packing and making arrangements for a function. Gunvanti gets a kurta for Mahendra, he says he hates it and leaves. Gunvanti scolds Anuja and says make something better.
Meet sees that and gets upset, Meet leaving Mahendra’s daughter stops her and says new bride can’t go out like this and don’t stare at me I am Mahendra’s daughter Veera. Meet says you are small like peanut but..Veera says I am just here to tell you be ready its your Muh Dikhai. Meet says something is fishy.

Gunvanti walks in and says to Meet, lets get you dressed its your Muh Dikhai. Meet says to her I know you wanted Shagun to be hete and hate me. Gunvanti asks her shut up.
Jashoda thinks why does Manmeet want this ritual what is he planning?

Gunvanti gets Meet out, Meet thinks I see whole village here what is Manmeet planning.

Manmeet says before we start ritual, don’t forget how Muh Dikahi begins here, with a tattoo. Manmeet asks everyone to show their hands how in Sarkarpur a woman has to write husbands name on her hand.

Manmeet says to Meet, you have to write on your hand you are Manmeet’s wife.

Manmeet says to everyone in Sarkarpur Muh Dikhae ceremony is done with tattoo, he says to Meet you have to write on your hand I’m Manmeet’s Wife and from now on this will be your identity, if you accept you can live here or else get out of the house. Manmeet thinks now everyone will get to know reality that you still love your husband. Manmeet aak Meet tell me are you ready for ceremony and he ask someone to get machine.

Jasodha walks to Manmeet says are you out of your mind, do you know even importance of Tattoo Ceremony, if she get the tattoo then you won’t be able to kick her out of house. Manmeet says first look at her face and hands she is already feeling anxious because of ceremony and do you think she will let us write I’m Manmeet’s Wife, I know she is acting and she is here for document’s. Jasodha says if this right then I’m proud of you.
Meet thinks I won’t let him take my identity from me.
Manmeet walks to her Chachi and says I’ll grind turmeric you can go and do some other work. She says okay and leave. Manmeet says whatever I’m going to do will hurt Meet’s hand, I’ll grind Turmeric and apply it on Meet’s hand. He walks to Meet with turmeric paste and start singing for her. Manmeet says to Meet from now on your identity will be because of me because now you will be Manmeet’s wife. Meet get up and walk away. Jasodha and Gunwanti laugh at her. Manmeet says to himself I can see anger in your eyes and I’ll make you more angry so that you leave this house.

Meet in her room, she looks at her hand says I cannot do this ritual, I can’t do this. Manmeet says if you don’t want tattoo you can accept defeat but listen to me carefully you only have two choices, first you can make tattoo or you can take this envelope with bus ticket in it and go back to your mom and dad. Manmeet says this time you will get defeated because of me, he mocks her and leave.

Meet in tears says I don’t understand what should I di, to fulfill Meet Ahlawat’s dream I have to change my identity and if I left Sarkarpur everyone’s dream will shatter, she looks at meet Ahlawat’s photo in her pendant and says I need your help please do something.

Raj sitting in hall. Babita walks to her. Raj says it’s been two days but no response from her end. Babita says I’m also scared for her don’t know how she will be surviving among them.

Meet get’s call from Raj and Babita. Raj ask how are you. Meet says I’m good. Babita says aren’t they troubling you because you already made there life tough. Raj says tell us if they are troubling you, I’ll get there. Meet says no worries I’m able to handle to situation and I’ll be back soon as I get the documents back and disconnects phone. Meet says to herself right now I need strength to fight back.

Anuja says to to Meghna, Meet won’t be able to help us she is defeated and going in dark. Meghna says don’t worry she will help us to get our freedom back. Anuja says if she will not to ritual she will run and in both aspects it’s her defeat. Meghna says don’t worry in both situation he will change her as well as our faith.

Manmeet says to Sarkar all the arrengements are done for ritual and it will be my last move against Meet.

Raj says to Babita I think Meet is in trouble I can in her voice. Babita says to Raj I’m also feeling same, she is hiding something for us and Meet won’t share anything which my harm us. Raj says this is how iyr Meet deals with situation she take all the pain and never let anyone feel that pain and he pray to God so that she come back early to Ahlawat mansion.

Manmeet says to Gunwanti go and check on Meet. Gunwanti says I’ll go and check on her.

Anuja says to Meghna, I don’t think she will come for ritual and if she wants to live here she has to follow all the rules and change her identity.

Gunwanti says to Manmeet I looked for Meet everywhere but couldn’t find her. Jasodha get’s happy and says I think she ran away. Everyone laughs. Meet walks toward Manmeet and says I’m ready for the ceremony. Everyone in shock after hearing her. Manmeet thinks you said yes infront of everyone but you won’t be able to do it. Manmeet says okay then let’s begin with the ceremony and ask Dadi to write on her hand “Manmeet’s Wife”. Manmeet says to everyone once she gets the tattoo her identity will be different and to obey me will be her only right. Meet forward her hand for tattoo. Dadi engrave tattoo on her hand. Meet show Manmeet her tattoo and says see it’s done and now everyone will call me your wife and you as my husband.

Meet get’s tattoo on her hand says I’m wife of Manmeet. She walks to Manmeet and show him tattoo and says now everyone will say I’m Manmeet’s wife and you are my husband. Jasodha thinks I feel like celebrating but after seeing the tattoo I believe she will stay with us forever and will trouble us. Meet says to Manmeet so from now on you won’t think about any other girl, not even Shagun because now I will be living here.

Meet get’s happy and start singing for Manmeet.

Meet with Shagun outside. Shagun asks Meet what do you mean my disappearing ink. Meet says yes this is not a permanent tattoo, I exchanged the ink when I got the time. Manmeet in market. Shagun says to Meet they are very dangerous people you don’t know about there power. Meet says don’t worry I’ll handle situation. Shagun ask why did you do this. Meet says everyone will be confused because of my actions. Manmeet see Meet in market. Meet looks at Manmeet.

Manmeet walks to Meet and ask what were you doing here. Meet says I came to take fresh air. Manmeet holds her hand and says come with me I’ll give you fresh air and take her with him.

Manmeet and Meet in room. Manmeet says you must be in pain because your self-respect is broken today. Meet says you must be also in pain because your heart was also broken. Manmeet says be in your limits. Meet says I’m worried about you because I’m your wife. Manmeet holds her hand tightly and tell her about his pain. Meet take her hand off. Manmeet says remember one thing I’ll make your life hell and he walks out of room. Meet closes gate and find red rash on her hand because of Manmeet. Meet looks at her hand and says to herself your nature will help me to get papers.

Sapna says to Mahendra I’m telling you truth you are going to become father. Narendra hugs her tightly and says I don’t know I should be happy or sad. Sapna says if Jasodha get’s to know about child she will surely ask me to take test to know the gender.

Jasodha walking in corridor says my head is always in pain since Meet came in this house.

Mahendra says I’ll go to city and check. Sapna says but its illigal to know gender in our country. Mahendra says I know but we have to reveal the gender. Sapna sasy what if it’s a girl again. He says then you haveto leave this house.
Jasodha shouts who kept the lights on. Sapna and Mahendra hide from her. Jasodha switch off light’s and walk away. Mahendra says to Spana no need to worry if it’s a girl we won’t let her to be sacrificed. Sapna pray to God for her child.

Meet in her room getting ready. Manmeet outside knocks on door and says open door. Meet says wait I’m changing. Manmeet says I cannot I have to show my state level certificate to Olympic committee, they are on video call. Meet says tell me I’ll give to you. Manmeet says it’s my room and let me in. Meet says I’m changing. Manmeet tell her location for certificate. Meet finds the certificate and says I’ll open door slightly just take the certificate and leave. Manmeet says okay give me. Meet open door and take the certificate. Meet walk in and finds her hand is without tattoo.
Manmeet on call show them certificate and thanks them.
Manmeet says to himself I never thought Meet will give me certificate on time and remember not seeing tattoo on her hand. Manmeet says she was not having tattoo of my name I’m sure she must have done something.

Meet in her room scared says how can I be so careless because of certificate I was unable to make tattoo and looks for a pen. Manmeet outside door shouts to open door. Meet ask him now what happen and thinks I think Manmeet saw my hand without tattoo. Meet get’s under the bed to grab a pen. Manmeet breaks the door and walk towards Meet. Manmeet ask her what are you hiding. Meet says I was cleaning. Manmeet says put your hand forward. Meet show her hands full of bangles. Manmeet ask her to remove bangles. Meet says Jasodha ask me to wear them. Manmeet brings Meet to hall.

Manmeet in hall with Meet and call everyone. Jasodha ask him what happen. Manmeet says when I asked her to give me certificate there was no tattoo on her hand. Everyone in shock. Jasodha says to Meet did you lie, she brings sword and says if this is true then Sarkar’s Sword will punish you and ask her to remove all the bangles. Manmeet try to remove bangles from her hand. Manmeet ask Gunwanti to bring oil from kitchen. Gunwanti give oil to him and he start removing bangles one by one. Meet remembers making half half tattoo on her hand again when Manmeet was trying to break the door. Meet says to Manmeet can’t you see tattoo on my hand. Manmeet ask Gunwanti to tear her sleeve to see whole tattoo. Meet shouts wait and says only Manmeet will go and check because he is accusing me, she says to Manmeet you have doubt so come with me and check. Jasodha says he won’t go and ask Gunwanti to Meet with her. Manmeet says no worries she gave me challenge I’ll go and check.

Manmeet and Meet in room. Meet thinks if he checked my hand he will get to know I have only half tattoo on my hand. Manmeet locks the door and walk towards Meet. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.