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Little Singer Kulfi Adom Tv, Wednesday 17th August 2022 update

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Sikander Wakes up and goes to dining for breakfast,kulfi waits at corner with Jonny and says once he sees my gift his anger will vanish,lovely walks to Sikander and says I made your favourite breakfast,Sikander says wow really,lovely says yes aloo parathas and kheer and bread pakodas,lovely serves Sikander breakfast.

Little Singer Kulfi
Little Singer Kulfi

Sikander says I’m happy you remember all this,lovely says yes I do and there’s something important I have to talk,Sikander checks kulfis plate and says goddess Saraswati who made it,kulfi about to step and say me,amyra says I did,Sikander says you,kulfi sees why is she lying,Sikander asks where did you learn,amyra says left right,kulfi says why is everyone lying,amyra says dada I heard you scolding kulfi and so I made this for you,lovely says aww my baby,Sikander hugs her and says

I love you,and you proved that I’m not wrong.
Kulfi says why is she lying and now how will I apologise to Sikander sir,and leaves.kulfi goes to balcony,amyra walks to kulfi,kulfi says I don’t talk to liars,I thought we are friends but,amyra says so I did so,dada hates people who waste food,and he at times have scolded left right too and he won’t scold me and so to save you I did this to save you from his anger,kulfi says thank you for helping me,Jonny barks at amyra,kulfi says she helped me don’t be upset on her and now how will I talk to sikander sir,kulfi sees lovely and says she is amyras mom and moms always help may be she will help me.

Lovely walks to Sikander and help him while he is dressing and hugs him,kulfi walks and seeing them hug walks out and says let me wait out,lovely says I just talked to Roshan Kumar and he said amyra still holds chance and you just talk to him once and our dream will come true,Sikander says our dream will take time lovely,lovely says me and amyra are waiting since long,Sikander says dream is seen from long but practice is started from today and so we need to wait and I can’t lie to Roshan that will be cheating with amyra and music.

Kulfi by mistake breaks a vase,lovely and Sikander walks out,lovely scolds kulfi and asks what are you doing here,kulfi says I came to talk to you for Sikander sir,lovely says look at him,he is so uncultured,if amyra stays with him she will spoil,get out cmon,Sikander says don’t lovely,lovely says is it necessary to cut my every sentence,I said no means no,kulfi runs away,Sikander says why scold a little kid and listen for amyra we need to wait,lovely says look for a unknown kid you fighting with me,what relation you have with him,Sikander says humanity lovely and see lovely if we need to stand by this relation we need to resolve each other and then comes love but you,and he walks away.

Kulfi to Jonny says please I don’t want to stay tell me where my bag is,nanu please help,jagira says stop crying,what was in that bag,kulfi says a book,moms wedding chunari,jagira says May be the book has something written about your father and now go say sorry to lovely mam,and then you may get some more time for bag,kulfi says mom said not to stay in place where you aren’t respected and here no one wants me to stay too,I just want my bag,this dog isn’t saying anything,I don’t want to stay here not here for my bag,I’m going but this magical door,god please save me from this and enters the lift scared,but thinks about bag and runs and hits lovely and says sorry please forgive me,lovely says shut up and how dare you get out,kulfi says I want my moms bag and then I will go on my own,Mahinder sees that and follows,lovely gets in lift with kulfi and goes to security and says throw him out or else I will throw you out.

Kulfi runs away,security scares her away.two men drinking alcohol,kulfi gets near them,and falls in manhole.

Lovely gets home,Mahinder says why did you behave like this,jagira said he will leave soon but he is small kid why do this,lovely says it’s my house and not footpath and teach your brother culture and not me,and she leaves.gunjan says why talk to her when she misbehaves,I can’t see she always insults you,please stay away from her.

Amyra singing,lovely hears her sing,she calls her dad and says I need to see you right away,kulfi walks around in the manhole trying to figure out but gets scared,she calls out for help.

Kulfi says why wasn’t I careful,in village everyone use to come looking for me,but here no one will come for me,no one even knows I have fallen in this pit. Dad comes to Sikander place,lovely says please come in,dad says look you must have forgotten Sikander but I haven’t,lovely says please come in,it’s for amyra I need help for her,dad says her grandfather will do anything for amyra,lovely says I want you to call Roshan kumar and ask him to give amyra the offer to sing in his film,dad says can’t you convince your husband do this little task,lovely says I did but he and his principles and then the birthday incident,dad says we will invite Roshan home and then talk to him,like lovely says thank you dad,dad says ok and remember when Roshan will be here it will be just our family and not Sikanders,lovely

says ok.
Kulfi shouts for help,kulfi says what will I do like no one will come for help,let me sing,kulfi starts singing,two drunk men hear her voice,drunk men say we are drunk right but still we hear such beautiful voice,kulfi hears them talk and stop,men say why did this music stop it was so pleasing,kulfi starts singing again and asks for help through her song.

Amyra singing,Amyra starts talking to Jonny but he runs away,lovely walks to her and says didn’t I tell you to practice,amyra says I was,I’m just taking a break,lovely says do you have any idea how hard I’m working for you,so till I’m back I want this song to be ready and better be good,amyra asks where are you going,lovely says going out with minti.amyra starts practising again.

A person walking pass asks them why play song on roads,they say it’s coming from this whole,the man peeps in,kulfi says please help,I fell in this pit while I was running,lovely passing by but doesn’t help and leaves unaware of the situation.

Water starts increasing in the pit,kulfi says help,people start gathering,a guy comes there and says stay there I will be back soon,lovely makes Sikander calls,and he doesn’t answer,minti says cmon he must be busy in recording,just because he has affair in the past so doesn’t mean you will keep him on the radar.

Sikander calls lovely,lovely asks where are you,Sikander says I was in recording,lovely says you will call and message me as soon as you are done,Sikander says as you say.
Kulfi starts singing again,people keep gathering,two women come there and start blaming government and say we will protest against government,the guy say shut up this boy is singing and we take it as a sign that he is fine,look boy you sing we have informed BMC,help is on its way,kulfi begins singing and has Nimrat on her mind.

BMC comes for help,they put a ladder,kulfi climbs up,lovely and minti again passing by stop because of crowd,kulfi sings as she gets out,all enjoy her sing,lovely asks what is going on,a man tells her a boy had fallen in the pit,lovely gets down to check who the boy is who fathered so many with his voice,everybody praises kulfi.

Lovely sees drunk men and says it’s a bad idea let me go I have to concentrate on amyra,and tells minti about it,minti says Amyra is going to sing,right I have important work,lovely sees security and park the car and goes home walking.

man says come let me drop you home,kulfi says I have no one in this town and leaves thinking about the behaviour she faced in Sikanders house. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.