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Force Of Attraction On Zee World, Wednesday 5th June 2024 Update

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Force Of Attraction On Zee World Wednesday 5th June 2024 Update, Mandira looks at Shakti’s form and thinks this girl is way smarter than I thought her to be, when I said no then she got the sign from Shiv. The minister tells her that she is forgeting who he is. Mandira asks the manager what if that girl doesn’t come for the interview? he says then the other candidate will be given the chance. Mandira tells the minister that only Nidhi will get this scholarship so don’t worry. The manager says that girl is already here. Mandira says she will not give this interview at any cost.

READ PREVIOUS: Force Of Attraction, Tuesday 4th June 2024 Update

Shiv smiles at Shakti and starts to leave but Shakti says sorry and thank you. Sorry for misbehaving with you and thank you for signing my form. Shiv says if you can save a kid before becoming a doctor then you will become such a good doctor, all the best. He offers his hand, Shakti stares at him and shakes his hand. They both smile at each other. She asks if she can clear the interview? Shiv says its your dream and you are very talented, you should become a doctor and you will. Shakti gets motivated and says if I get selected then I will offer you tea. Shiv says no thank you, I need something else from you. He looks at his chain and says but you need this more for now. He wishes her all the best and leaves. Shakti is going for her interview, Mandira comes there and says these two are becoming my problem. I have to crush this before it becomes a problem. I have to control this Shiv.

Shakti is waiting for her interview, she sees Mandira coming there and looks away. Mandira comes to her and says you are ignoring me right? I would have done the same, I never was nice to you. I can’t change what I did but I apologize. Shakti says don’t apologize, I should apologize for misbehaving with you. Mandira says I realized that I did wrong because we need people like you that’s why I asked Shiv to sign your form. Shakti says really? Mandira says you deserve this. Shakti says I was so wrong about you, I feel like I should touch your feet. She touches her feet and Mandira blesses her to become a good doctor. Shakti says thank you for giving me a chance. I already thanked and said sorry to Shiv. Mandira says you are already talking like Shiv? he is so nice that people follow him. Lets go to Shiv to take tips for the interview. She says sure and goes with her. Mandira thinks I am taking her away from her dreams.

Shiv is worried about Shakti and tells Nandu that I am sure she will clear her interview but she gets angry so fast. Nandu says since when did you become worried about her?

Rimjhim is dreaming about Keertan and says he came to my house so he must be crazy about me. We will become a power couple on social media. Manorama hears all that and thinks what is going on with her? she is dreaming useless dreams. She goes to her and asks why are you smiling to yourself? are you dreaming about someone? who is he? Rimjhim says its no one. Manorama says you can’t lie to me, I saw a flower in your hands. Rimjhim says there is nothing like that. Manorama says don’t lie to me, who is that guy? Rimjhim says stop investigating me. She leaves. Manorama says these girls are giving me headaches.

Mandira is going with Shakti. Shiv is in his office and Shakti is about to go there but Mandira says he is in the research room so lets go there. She takes her from there but Shiv comes out of his room. He doesn’t see them and they leave. Shiv says why did I feel like she was here? he looks around but doesn’t see her.

Shakti asks Mandira what’s in the research room? Mandira says its a lab where Shiv works, he can talk to you. Shakti says doctors usually go there to learn, Shiv is a good doctor because he keeps learning. Mandira smirks and thinks she is a fool to listen to me. She brings her to a room and says I want to help you, I will make sure you become a doctor. Shakti says I just met Shiv but he didn’t say anything about the tips. Mandira says he didn’t want others to think that he is favoring you. Shakti thinks I feel like she is lying. Mandira pushes her in the room and locks it. Shakti is shocked and says what are you doing? I am suffocating here. I have claustrophobia. Mandira says you shouldn’t dream big then, you will be locked here. A nurse comes there and gets scared, she says I didn’t see anything. Mandira says you will stay outside and make sure no one brings her out. She goes from there. Shakti tries calling Rimjhim but she doesn’t pick up. She calls home but Dharam is dreaming about Koyal and doesn’t pick it. Manorama asks him to pick it. He picks it but the call cuts.

Shiv is looking around for Shakti and says why can’t I find her anywhere? He calls the receptionist and asks about Shakti but she says Shakti didn’t come to the interview room yet. Shiv says where did she go then? Otherside Shakti is banging on the door.

Shakti is locked in the room and screams to open it. A nurse is guarding outside and thinks she can’t help her as Mandira threatened her. Shakti calls Rimjhim but her phone is on silent and doesn’t see her calling. She calls Manorama but she is sleeping. Shakti cries and says I am suffocating here.

The minister tells Mandira that you can’t fool us, we don’t need the scholarship, we just need admission for my daughter, you know what I can do against you. Mandira says stop saying big words as I believe in doing things instead of talking big. I have already played my cards right. I keep giving your party donation but your daughter doesn’t need to worry, I have already locked the problem away.

Shakti is feeling suffocated in the room and breaks the bottles by bumping into them. They are chemicals and start filling the room with poisonous gas. She says I will die here. She tries to cover her face and says I need to get out of here.

Keertan says how can I reach out to Shakti? I can’t call there.

The phone rings, Dharam picks it but no one talks. The phone rings again and Rimjhim takes it. Its Keertan and says you shouldn’t call on the landline number. She starts giving her number to him and he thinks its Shakti on the call. Manorama tries to hear it but falls down the sofa so Rimjhim cuts the call. Manorama scolds Dharam for not keeping an eye on the girls. She says I am losing both my girls.

Scene 2
Shakti is feeling suffocation and prays to get some help. She says Shivji please save me. Otherside Shiv feels like someone needs his help.

Rimjhim checks her phone and sees Shakti’s missed calls. She calls her back. Shakti tries to reach her phone but her phone falls under the rack. Rimjhim cuts the call and says it might be a mistake. Shakti starts hallucinating herself as a kid. How she was drowning in the pool and a woman tried to save her. The woman saved her. Shakti falls down and faints.

Shiv is worried and tells Nandu that I felt like someone called out to me. He starts hallucinating too. Nandu says no one is calling you. Shiv goes from there.

Keertan calls Rimjhim and they start talking. Manorama hides and sees her talking. Rimjhim ends the call and says my prince charming is going to make me his soon, she goes to sleep. Manorama takes her phone and says I need to check who she was talking to.

Shakti wakes up again and coughs. She pleads to save her. She faints again. The nurse is worried about her and tries to hear. Otherside Shiv starts looking around the hospital. Shiv comes outside the room. He asks the nurse why does she look worried? you are so pale, he prescribes her some tests and asks if someone called out to him? She says no and leaves from there. Nandu tells Shiv to lets go and eat something. He goes from there.

The manager is waiting for Shakti for her interview. Shiv hears that and says where is she? Dr. Shakti where are you? Nandu says don’t worry about her. He starts looking around for her and says she can’t lose this chance. Otherside Shakti wakes up again and goes to the door.

She tries to knock but faints again and the necklace falls out of the door. Shiv says I feel like Shakti is calling out to me. He comes outside the room and says I feel like she is in trouble. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.