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Force Of Attraction On Zee World, Thursday 6th June 2024 Update

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Force Of Attraction On Zee World Thursday 6th June 2024, Shiv is outside the room where Shakti is locked. He says where are you Shakti? I feel like you are in trouble, give me a hint to save you. He looks around. Shakti is unconscious in the room but her locket falls out of the door. Shiv is leaving but finds the locket. He recalls how he lost it and then how Shakti was wearing it. He tries pulling it and asks if she is inside? he starts banging on the door and breaks it. He sees the room filled with gas and Shakti lying there unconscious. He shocked.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Wednesday 5th June 2024 Update

The nurse comes to Mandira and tries to talk but the manager calls her, he says Shakti didn’t come for her interview so we will take Nidhi’s interview. Mandira asks Nidhi to go and give her interview, she leaves. The nurse tells Mandira that I think that girl fainted, should I bring her out? Mandira says not at all, she should remain there till Nidhi gives her interview.

Shiv rushes to Shakti and asks her to wake up. Shakti recalls how she was saved in her childhood. Shakti wakes up a little. Shiv says you need to fight.. shakti says mummy papa.. Shiv says you need to wake up for your parents. Your dream is waiting for you, you need to give the interview. Shakti tries to wake up but faints again. Shiv says you can’t lose like this, you need to fulfill your dream. Shakti wakes up againa nd is panicking. Her phone rings and Shakti gets scared. She sees Rimjhim calling but Shiv says enough.. you are not going home, you need to go for your interview. You shouldn’t care about your life, you are going to be a doctor so your patient should be your priority, people have hopes from us to put them above our lives. This is why doctors are called Gods so you can’t lose to your weakness. You have to get up and fight. Shakti is weak and says I am sorry.. I can’t do this. Shiv says the doctors only say sorry when they are unable to save a life. You are saying sorry to your dream? if you don’t get up today then you will be sorry for your life. You should ask me when you are unable to save someone then how helpless you feel. He cries and says you should ask me how that feels. You need to become a doctor, you deserve this. He holds her hands and says these hands are made to save people. God has blessed you so you need to give this interview for your parents and God. Do you really want to lose your dream today? Please get up for your parents, for Lord and for me.. Shakti cries and doesn’t get up. Shiv gets disappointed and starts to leave but Shakti holds his hand and says I want to become a doctor. Shiv smiles and pulls her up. She is about to fall down but Shiv holds her. They share an eyelock. Shakti says how will I go? I can’t even walk. Shiv says just be with me, its my duty to take you there. Shiv won’t let Shakti’s dreams go unfulfilled.

Scene 2
Mandira gives the form to Nidhi and tells the manager that Shakti couldn’t even come for her interview, we can’t give her this opportunity when she is so unprofessional.

Keertan is dreaming about Shakti. He sees her calling and thinks its Shakti. He takes the call and says baby.. Manorama says I am baby’s mother, who are you? Keertan gets scared and acts like a tailor. Manorama is shocked and says my daughter is having an affair with a tailor? that can’t happen. Keertan cuts the call and is scared. Its Shakti’s problem so I shouldn’t get into it.

Shiv tells Shakti that her problems are his now. Shakti says how will I go for the interview? he says just leave that on me. He holds her in his arms and picks her up. Shakti stares at him as Shiv takes her from there. Nandu smiles seeing them. Shiv puts Shakti on the wheelchair and says your problem is no problem. Her chain gets stuck in his watch so he gently pulls it away. Nandu is shocked to see his chain on her neck but Shiv stops him. Shiv takes Shakti from there.

Mandira is taking Nidhi for her interview. The manager gives a final calls for Shakti. Mandira smirks and thinks she won’t be coming. Shiv is wheeling Shakti there.

Shiv wheels Shakti for her interview. Otherside Mandira is taking Nidhi for her interview as well. She brings her to the room and says your dream is going to be fulfilled. Nidhi is about to enter the room but Shiv arrives there with Shakti. Mandira is shocked and thinks what is this girl doing here? Shiv tells Shakti that her dream is behind this door, its your life mission so get up and go for your interview, we all need a doctor like you. He offers his hand while all look on. Shakti holds Shiv’s hand and gets up. She is about to fall down but Shiv holds her and smiles. He opens the door and wishes her luck. Shakti enters the room for her interview. The minister shouts what is this behavior? Shiv says it was an emergency. The minister shouts how dare you run the wheelchair like this? Shiv says you don’t know what we have to do for patients. Mandira says this girl is not a patient. Shiv says I helped her for humanity and she was not well. Mandira says she looked fine, she might be pretending all this because she might have wanted to gain pity and pass this interview using sympathy. This girl knows that our family helps people in need so she might be using you? she couldn’t even come on time for the interview so she can’t become a doctor. It will be a sin for us to help her so I have to stop this interview. She is about to enter the room but Shiv stops her and says you won’t do anything like that.

Manorama is worried and calls her friend Sudha, she asks her to find a good groom for Rimjhim, send the family to my house today only.

Mandira is angry and glares at Shiv, she says you are stopping me? He says yes, you are doing a wrong thing because Shakti is going to be a good doctor, you know I am a good doctor .. I mean I was and I have seen the same spark in Shakti, she has all the good qualities for a doctor. Mandira says I don’t know that but she can’t value time so she is selfish. Shiv says I have seen her selflessness for patients which is needed for a doctor. Mandira says it seems like you know her well suddenly? Shiv says we can find out about people after one experience only but Shakti has proven herself time and again. I saw her saving the kid’s life and she didn’t care about getting recognition. She couldn’t stand up today but she still went for her interview. Mandira says the truth is that she missed her interview so she should wait for another year. Shiv says the truth that Nidhi is capable of paying the fees. We started this program to help people in need. He tells Nidhi that you don’t need this scholarship, you can clear the exams next year on your own. He tells Mandira that I didn’t forget the reason for starting this scholarship, we can’t use this for our personal gains and just use it for people in need. He leaves. Mandira thinks I will not let Shakti give this interview.

Manorama tells Rimjhim to get ready, she brings clothes and her jewelry. She asks her to wear it. Rimjhim asks what’s going on? Manorama a family is coming for your marriage. Rimjhim is shocked.

Shakti sits down for her interview. The professor gets a message from Mandira that she shouldn’t clear this interview at any cost. The professor starts scolding Shakti for coming late to the interview and says we can’t give you scholarship if you can’t be punctual and on time. Shakti pleads with him to give her a chance but he asks her to leave. Shakti cries and thinks this can’t be happening with me. She is about to leave but another professor stops her and says to the professor that Shiv didn’t recommend anyone in the last 5 years but he gave recommendation for her which has a reason. Look at her marks, we should give her a chance. All other professors agree to take her interview.

The minister tells Mandira that she has to pay for not fulfilling her promises. I will expose your wrongdoings, your bad time is starting now. He leaves with his daughter Nidhi.

Mandira is angry and says how dare Shiv go against me, he has to pay for this. I was respecting our relationship till now but not anymore.

Mandira says to herself that Shiv and Shakti have to pay for this, I won’t spare Shiv anymore.

The professors tells Mandira’s professor that her credentials are good so we should at least take her interview. He agrees. The professor tells Shakti that your scores are good so we are going to test your competence and intelligence. She asks if you have a personal emergency but you have to treat a patient then what will you do? Shakti says a doctor doesn’t care about her personal life, the patient’s life is the most important for her. Another professor asks why she wants to become a doctor? Shakti recalls Shiv’s words that she is blessed to save lives and fulfill her parents’ dream. Shakti says it was my parents’ dream but Lord gave me blessings to save lives, its my service to the society so I don’t become a doctor then it will be like going against my Lord, my mission is to save lives.

The professor asks why she thinks a doctor’s profession is important? Shakti says till your doctor is fighting for you, even the Lord lets you save them. Its my religion to save people. The professor thinks she can’t pass otherwise Mandira won’t spare me. Another professor asks Shakti to leave and wait outside. Mandira’s professor stops Shakti and says you kept talking about Lord during your interview, it seems like you just have blind faith and think patient will be treated by Lord instead of your skills. You can’t be a good doctor if you think Lord will make everything right. I don’t think you deserve this scholarship.

Scene 2
Chacha tells Manorama that she should have consulted him before calling a groom’s family. Rimjhim says I want to become someone before marrying anyone. Manorama says what will you become? someone’s girlfriend? just shut up and listen to me.

This groom is from a good family and he has a shop. He is an MBA and earns well. You will be a good couple. Chacha asks Rimjhim to at least see the guy. Rimjhim says I am not interested. Manorama says don’t try to challenge me. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

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