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Force Of Attraction On Zee World, Saturday 1st June 2024 Update

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Force Of Attraction On Zee World Saturday 1st June 2024 Update, Shakti and Rimjhim are in the mandir, Shakti sees an old man struggling so she tells Rimjhim that she has to go and help him. She gives her dupatta to Rimjhim and She goes from there. Otherside Keertan is looking around for her. Rimjhim is sitting in a tent and Keertan comes there. He sees her wearing Shakti’s dupatta and thinks its her. He says hi, Rimjhim is shocked to see him but he doesn’t see her face. Keertan says I know our first meeting was not on a good note but I think good about you. I have started believing in love at first sight after looking at you. You are so beautiful and I like you. Rimjhim gets happy and blushes. Keertan says I got so impressed looking at you. I am from a reputated family of Kashyp, you must know their name? if you come to my house in the evening then I will think that you like me as well. I will wait for you. He leaves. Shakti comes there and asks why is her face red? Rimjhim thinks if I tell her then she will tell papa.

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Friday 31st May 2024 update

Shiv tells the girl that I want you to know the truth about my present also. She says your dadi told me about your past. He says I will tell you about my present, he tells her everything. He says this is the truth and I wanted you to know. The girl is tensed so he offers her water. He says sorry for hurting you and thank you for listening to me. The girl smiles and hugs him. She says you are the best, you are so different and thank you for sharing this with me.

Dadi tells the girl’s family that Shiv will keep their daughter well and love her a lot. Shiv and the girl come back to the family. Dadi asks how do you like Shiv? she girl blishes. Mandira tells Padma that she will say no. The girl tells Dadi that Shiv is very nice, he is so innocent and any girl would be lucky to marry him but sadly I am not that girl. All are shocked. Dadi asks why? what happened? The girl takes her grandmother from there and says something. Her grandmother tells Shiv’s dadi that we didn’t expect this from you. You told us about his past but what about his present? you thought to fool us? you should be ashamed. She leaves with the girl.

Scene 2
Shakti talks with the manager of the trust and he says yes, we sponsor 10 kids and pay their medical fees. Shakti asks what does she need to do? He says this trust is run by Kashyp family and you will need to take their daughter in law’s sign on the form. Rimjhim smirks and thinks I will meet with that boy now.

Ragunath asks Shiv what did he say to the girl? he says the truth. He says your Dadi was managing it then why did you speak up? Shiv says because it was the right thing. He shouts that you don’t know the right or wrong. Gayatri tries to stop him but he shouts that Shiv is in this condition because of you. He was our hero but he just brings embarrassment to us because of you only. He tells Shiv that you did this deliberately to not get married right? he tells Dadi to not look for girls for him now. If he wants to stay in the past then he can.. he can die all I want. Shiv starts getting flashbacks and gets emotional. Gayatri tries to go to him but Nandu stops her. Shiv tells Nandu that how can papa blame me? I did the right thing. He goes from there.

Shiv goes to his room and keeps recalling Ragunath’s words. Otherside Gayatri prays in the mandir. She says will someone ever enter Shiv’s life and make him fine again? Is there anyone to become his partner? Mandira hears that and thinks he will get married only when I want and that girl will enter only when I want. Gayatri sees the flower falling and says maybe its his sign that someone is going to enter Shiv’s life.

Shakti and Rimjhim arrive at the Kashyp house. Shakti mistakenly steps on the rangoli and is shocked. Rimjhim brings her in the house and Shakti leaves feet-marks on the rangoli. Rimjhim says maybe you completed the rangoli. Shakti enters Shiv’s house with red feet and leaving her marks.

Shakti enters Shiv’s house and looks around. Otherside Shiv is worried in his room. Shakti has red feet because of stepping on rangoli and leaves her feet marks. Rimjhim looks around and says this house looks like heaven, its so big and fancy. I never want to leave. Shakti says I just want to get this form signed and go back home. I feel peace at my home only. Rimjhim says maybe this will become our house one day? Shakti finds a mandir in the house and prays to Bhole Nath. She says I have worked hard so just help me get this form signed. She turns around and finds Gayatri there, she says who are you? Shakti smiles at her and Gayatri asks who are you girl? Shakti whispers to Rimjhim that she looks motherly and she must be the one we need sign from. Gayatri asks if they need anything? Rimjhim says I need to use the washroom and leaves. Shakti touches Gayatri’s feet and she asks her name. Shakti says my name is Shakti.

Keertan is waiting for Shakti. His sister Koyal says you are being tacky, my followers will unfollow seeing you like this. Keertan says I invited Shakti if she likes me. Koyal says you can’t get married till Shiv gets married so stop being a love sick boy. Keertan says no girl would agree to marry him, he would never find love but my love life has started, once Shakti comes here then I will handle everything but how? I should get a gift for her.

Gayatri asks Shakti what does she need? Shakti says my dream is to become a doctor, I have cleared my entrance exam with topping in the city but you can fulfill my dream. Your trust selects 5 kids to sponsor their medicine studies. They have already chosen 4 kids and I need this last spot. Its in your hands to make my dream come true, I promise to be a good doctor. Gayatri says you don’t need to justify as I can see you will be a good doctor, you seem hard working and talented so I am sure you will become Dr. Shakti but the problem is that I can’t sign this form. Only my sister in law or my son Shiv can sign these papers. Shakti says Dr. Shiv is your son? he is a very competent doctor, can you ask him to sign this form. Gayatri says he can’t sign these papers, I will ask my sister in law to sign it. Don’t worry, I will manage this. She asks Sundari to arrange refreshments for her, she goes to talk to Mandira. Shakti says why couldn’t she get the signature from her son? its a small task but don’t know why Maaji got stressed when asked to get the sign from him.

Shiv is getting jittery in his room and says I wasn’t wrong, I shouldn’t hide my truth. I was not wrong before and I am not wrong today also. He keeps getting flashbacks of a girl pleading to let her die. She falls down and says I was not wrong.

Scene 2
Shakti is waiting and says it would have been great if I could get Dr. Shiv’s signature but its okay, I just need the sign.

Gayatri comes outside Shiv’s room and sees him sitting in a corner. She cries and says he was not wrong. Shiv turns towards her so she hides. Shiv sees her silhouette and cries. They both silently cry, Gayatri says you were not wrong my son. This world, your mother and situation can be wrong but you did the right thing by telling her the truth. I am sure a girl will come in your life who would accept you for you are, she will love irrespective of your truth, she will bring you out of this pain, she will bring your love back. You will get love, partnership and a lasting love. This is your mother’s plea. Shiv is feeling jittery and breaks a vase.

Padma tells Mandira that Gayatri asked you to meet with some poor and begging girl to get a sponsorship so you agreed? Mandira comes to the lounge and Shakti is shocked to see her. She says this woman has to sign my form? she will never agree. She starts to leave but Mandira stops her and says who are you? Shakti turns towards her and Mandira is surprised.

She says what is this girl doing here? She asks what are you doing here? Shakti says I had some work but I don’t think it can happen. Mandira takes the form from her and says so you need my sign to get admission in a medical college? you have misbehaved with me two times so you must be ashamed to ask for help? its in my hands if your dream will fulfill now. Shakti says no.. only Lord will fulfill my dream, if I knew it was your house then I wouldn’t have come. Mandira looks at her marksheet and says you have good grades, you deserve to get an admission. Padma says she has misbehaved with you so she doesn’t deserve anything. Mandira tells Shakti that you wish you wouldn’t have misbehaved with me. You have good grades so I want to sign but I am angry at you for misbehaving with me.

She should have stayed in her limits. She tells Shakti that she is ready to sign the form. Shakti is surprised and says thank you so much. Mandira says I have a condition, you have to touch my feet. Shakti is shocked to hear that. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.