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Cage of beauty AdomTv, Wednesday 9th November 2022 update

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Mayura telling Vishaka that Tara is very happy seeing her and made greeting card for her and also gave her a toy. Vishaka asks her to enjoy and take care. She asks her to return soon. Mayura says ok. Tara calls her. Vishaka sits on the sofa and says someone bring my tea. Megha comes there in veil and brings the tea. Vishaka asks who is she?

She calls Kajal. Kajal says she is our maid’s sister, and was in need of money after her husband passed away. Vishaka asks her to remove her veil and is about to lift her, but Megha moves back. Vishaka gets a call from Mayura and goes. Megha thinks she has to snatch her luxury life to make her own life luxurious. Mayura asks Vishaka to let her stay with her for tonight. Vishaka says she can’t allow, as security is not tight in hotel. Tara asks her to ask Aunty to let her stay. Vishaka agrees and asks her to drop her to hostel tomorrow. Megha hears and calls Omkar. She informs him that Mayura is with Tara in the hotel and the latter stays in hostel now a days. Omkar asks her to find out about the hotel and then she will get the money. Megha says ok. Omkar makes a call and asks to search all hotels. He says he will free Tara from Mayura. Mayura asks Tara not to believe on strangers and tell a story. Tara asks her to tell a story. Mayura tells her a story. Tara sleeps.

She hopes no trouble shall come on Tara and if she gets caught in any trouble, then shall get saved. She herself sleeps with Tara. Vishaka comes to her room and goes to take bath. Megha comes to Vishaka’s room and checks her phone, but realizes it opens with finger prints. Vishaka comes out of the bathroom and wipes her face with towel. She doesn’t see Megha. Megha sees Kajal coming there and hides. Vishaka doesn’t see her still. Kajal keeps milk and goes. Vishaka opens the cupboard, in which Megha is sitting, but goes to see the message. Megha thinks she will get the money when she enquires about the hotel. Omkar sees Servants bringing welcome home Tara and thinks Megha will do anything to find out about the hotel. Megha sees Vishaka sleeping and comes out of the cupboard. She holds her finger. Vishaka talks to Omkar in sleep and says she will not leave her. Megha opens the phone with Vishaka’s finger and gets to know about the hotel. She goes. Vishaka wakes up and thinks phone was on charging. She gets doubtful. Mayura wakes up seeing a bad dream that Omkar is taking Tara away. She sees Tara beside her and asking for water. She calls hotel reception, but they don’t pick the call. Mayura thinks to go herself to get the water. She goes out.

Omkar beats the staff members and then asks asks Manager, asking him to tell where is Tara and Mayura? Mayura comes out and takes water, but she don’t see Omkar there. Manager takes Omkar to the room and finds them not there. Omkar looks at the window and thinks of Mayura’s words. He gets upset. Vishaka tells Mayura that Tara is secure and safe here. Mayura says if Omkar had taken Tara then what would have happen. She says I saw him at the right time and took her through window. She says you asked me to drop her to hostel, but I didn’t listen. Vishaka asks her not to think which didn’t happen and says we shall think how Omkar came to know that you both are there. Just then Megha comes there and says your tea. Vishaka says keep it on the table. Mayura asks who is she? Vishaka says new maid. She asks how did you spend time with Tara, you people must have enjoyed. Mayura senses that tara is having danger with this maid and thinks if she is the one.

Vishaka asking Mayura to tell how they enjoyed? Mayura says she met her daughter and felt like she is meeting her after many years. Megha comes to Akansha and gives her juice, after which the latter faints. Megha comes inside Tara’s room. Mayura is coming there. Megha says mummy and Papa’s love is not enough for you, you need Maasi’s love. Mayura comes there and finds Tara missing and Akansha unconscious on the floor. She shouts Tara. Vishaka says who has taken Tara out from this house. Mayura doubts the maid and understands she was Megha. She tells Vishaka that she knows who has taken her daughter. She calls Akhilesh and asks where is Megha di? Akhilesh asks why are you asking? He says Megha is missing. Mayura says why does she do this with me and tells that she came here as Servant and kidnapped Tara. She is again with Omkar and tells that she will not forgive Tara. Vishaka calls Akansha and scolds her for hiring the maid without identification. Mayura says I have to go somewhere to search my daughter. Omkar talks to Megha. Megha tells that she will take care of Tara being her Maasi and asks him to take care of her bank balance. Mayura comes to Omkar’s house with Police and accuse Omkar for kidnapping Tara. Omkar says you have kidnapped my daughter and blaming me. She asks Inspector to search her daughter. Inspector goes to search the house. Omkar asks how many faces she has, and tells that her game will be heavy on her. Mayura says time will tell, you made my sister against me, but can’t snatch my Tara from me. Omkar calls DIG. Megha is happy and listens to the song. Tara wakes up and asks Megha who is she? Megha says she is her Mamma’s sister. Tara says I want to go to Mamma. Megha asks her to talk to her Papa first. She calls him, but Omkar rejects her calls as Mayura is standing infront of him. Tara insists to go to her mamma. Megha says your Papa will come and take you, till then I will dance. Tara says I want my Mamma and asks her to call her. Megha calls Omkar again. Inspector tells Mayura that Tara is not here. Mayura says did you check properly. Omkar says Police is doubting a respected man due to kidnapper’s complaint. DIG calls Inspector and he leaves. Omkar tells Mayura that he has called DIG, now Police will keep eye on her. He says you have forgotten that the real player is me, Maya is the fake mask, but Omkar is the flood which will take Tara away and you couldn’t do anything.

Megha brings snacks etc for Tara and says she will feed her. Tara thinks she must be a witch aunty and says she didn’t brush her teeth. Megha goes to bring brush and when she returns, she finds Tara out of room. Tara locks the room and says she will not open. Megha asks her to open the door. Tara runs away from there. Omkar calls Megha. Megha finds her phone at the other side of door. She says open the door. Omkar thinks to go himself and check.

Mayura comes home. Vishaka asks did you come to know anything. Mayura cries and says Omkar has snatched my daughter. Vishaka asks her not to lose hope and says we will search Tara. I have sent all the security to search her. She asks her to trust God. Mayura looks at the idol. Omkar comes to the hotel and opens the room. He asks Megha, why her phone was outside. Megha says Tara locked me in the room and escaped. Omkar asks if you are feeling ashamed to say this, a little girl fooled you and escaped. He says I don’t know if I shall be happy for Tara’s smartness or upset over your foolishness. He calls guards to search Tara. Mayura gets a call from Tara. Tara tells that she is calling from an aunty’s number.

The lady tells that the girl lost her way and tells the location. Mayura’s phone gets switched off. She reaches there and meets the lady. She asks where is Tara? The lady says Tara called her father, as your phone was off. Mayura is shocked.