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Cage of beauty AdomTv, Wednesday 12th October 2022 update

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Episode starts with Mayura asking a guy if he saw Omkar and shows his photo. The guy says he went with a lady towards the jungle. Mayura gets shocked. Neel comes to the room and checks, gets upset as she didn’t sign on it. He gets Mayura’s call and she tells that she is going to search Omkar.

Akhilesh comes there. Neel says Mayura again came in his trick. Mayura reaches the jungle and asks driver to stop the car. She gets down and shouts Omkar.

She finds a similar grave like it was when Omkar was buried by Aishwarya and gets shocked. She shouts no and starts digging the land. She shouts Omkar and digs the land with the stick, says your Mayura has come, and will not let anything happen to you.

She finds banners inside and says I won’t let anything happen to you. Omkar comes there and says when you love me so much, then why don’t you accept it. He tells her meeting Shankar, who asks him to do something to bring Mayura out. Mayura says even Shankar Papa ji lied to me and tells that she don’t trust him (Omkar). Omkar asks her to listen.

They fall down together. Omkar says why are you doing this with me, don’t you feel my love for you. They get up. Omkar says only I know, how I lived without you and tells that he lived in the hope that she is alive and asks why is she doing this with me.

Mayura asks him to see what is he doing first. Omkar leaves her hand and says sorry. Mayura says you don’t know what is love? Omkar says I really love you. Mayura says I hate you. Omkar says I know you remember everything.

Mayura says I remember everything, you fooled us by making us believe that you loves me qualities and not my face. She says she remembers how he tortured her family and her. She says she wants to forget it, but can’t. Omkar says he cursed himself for all those moments and tells that he is not that cheap Omkar, but he is the one whom she had loved and the way she likes him to be.

Mayura pushes him and refuses to believe him, says you have fooled me to get me and then tortured me. She says my past will remind me that person like you, can’t change and I shall not return to you. She says you can’t love anyone, can just get stubborn. She says I will not become yours and says I Promise that I can’t be of Omkar. She leaves. Omkar sits down crying.

Neel comes to Mayura as she is standing somewhere. He says why did you call me suddenly? Mayura says you said right that Omkar can just give me pain and nothing else. She says time has come to keep him out of my life for forever. Neel smiles and asks what do you want? Mayura says she wants to divorce Omkar or will sign on the annulment papers. She says Omkar and my relation will just hurt me and that’s why I want to end this relation. Neel gives her Marriage Annulment papers. Mayura cries and signs on the papers. She gives the papers to Neel and goes. Neel gets happy.

Later he shows the marriage annulment papers to someone and tells that he got their marriage annulled. He says time has come to take revenge on Omkar. He says Omkar’s destruction is Mayura’s destructions and the latter has stamped this. He tells the person on the bed and calls him Kundan, his brother. He says you was about to marry Megha, when Omkar sent a fake letter on your behalf that you like Mayura and not Megha. He says his cheap conspiracy ruined your life, he tortured and troubled you and you had lost your mental stability. He says he will take revenge on Omkar.

Mayura returns home. Surekha gets worried. Mayura tells that she has gone out as Omkar is her husband. Akhilesh says he had lied about it. Mayura says she got her memory back, but acted to know Omkar’s truth. She says she has signed the marriage annulment papers and gives to Neel. She says Omkar and my relation is over. Omkar comes infront of Neel in the hospital and tells him that Mayura loves him and asks why are you creating a misunderstanding between husband and wife, don’t do this.

Neel says lets talk peacefully and says I will not leave Mayura and says once I marry her, then you will understand why I have done this and for whom.

Omkar asking Neel to understand that Mayura can’t become his. Neel says someone said right that the kick ghost doesn’t understand talks. They have a fight. Neel says Mayura can’t become yours, never. He goes. Omkar notices his shoulder. A veiled Aishwarya brings milk to Mayura’s house and adds poison in it. Mayura makes tea and gives everyone. Everyone likes the tea made by Mayura. Aishwarya looks at her from outside and thinks drink tea Mayura. Omkar comes there and sees Aishwarya outside. He asks her to be away from Mayura and takes her from there. Just then Dadi falls unconscious, followed by Surekha and Akhilesh. Mayura gets shocked and calls them. Neel comes there and says we have to take them to hospital. Omkar asks Aishwarya what is she upto? Aishwarya says you always doubt your beautiful wife.

They take them in the ambulance. Neel asks how did this happen? Mayura says they just drank tea. Neel sees Aishwarya talking to someone. Mayura says she came to give milk in the morning. They see Omkar with her. Neel provokes Mayura against Omkar and asks her to think about her family. Omkar tells Aishwarya that it is enough now and calls Police there. He says he was hearing her nonsense as he was waiting for Police. He asks lady constables to arrest her and asks her to get rotten in jail. Aishwarya says I didn’t do anything. Omkar says I know that you made Mayura and I fall from the cliff and says I thought you will mend your ways. He asks Police to take her. Aishwarya laughs and says your life will be shaken up and says you don’t know what a big plan is played against you, you don’t know. She says Mayura and you both will be ruined. Aishwarya asks him to count reverse countdown of Mayura and him. Omkar asks her to tell clearly, but Aishwarya asks Police to take her. Omkar thinks what she was saying and thinks to see Mayura.

Neel tells Mayura that they are out of danger. Omkar comes there and tells that he got Aishwarya arrested, she did all this. Mayura refuses to believe him and says you shall feel ashamed. She says first you have done this with my family and then got her arrested. Omkar asks how you can think that I can do this. Mayura says what else you can do and asks him to kill her. She takes the surgical equipment and asks Omkar to kill her. Omkar asks her why you are not believing me? Mayura says I can’t trust you, Neel said right that you can never change. He asks her to leave it, else she will get hurt. She gets a minor injury on her palm. Neel asks her to go and get her hand bandaged. He tells Omkar that Mayura can’t become his, in this birth and says he will teach him a lesson after marrying her, and tells that he will understand when he is fully ruined. Omkar recalls Aishwarya’s words and thinks if he was Neel, about whom Aishwarya was talking about. He thinks how can you get so close to Mayura and got concerned for her. He thinks to find out. Mayura says sorry to Akhilesh and tells that you always used to say that Omkar is not a good man, but I didn’t listen to you. Akhilesh asks her to bring someone closer to her and asks her to marry Neel. Neel thinks you are digging pit for your Mayura. Omkar breaks in Neel’s house and finds nobody there. He thinks something is wrong for sure. He finds hospital bills of other hospital and thinks why Neel will pay the bill of other hospital and for whom. Neel asks Mayura to have coffee. He tells Mayura that he knows that the time is not right, but they have to make the time right. Omkar comes out of Neel’s house. Neel promises Mayura that he will fulfill all her dreams etc. He thinks you have to marry me, how can I take revenge from Omkar without marrying you, and I can’t be quiet. Omkar comes to the hospital indisguise of a doctor, to find out about the patient for whom Neel was paying the bills. Just then someone tells that Neel sir patient’s condition is deteriorating. Mayura asks Neel about his family. Neel panics.

Omkar hears ward boys running to the ward and holding the guy. The guy says he will run away from here. Neel says his family is in London. Mayura asks about his siblings. Omkar sees Kundan and recalls everything. He asks Nurse about Neel. Nurse says he comes in the evening to meet his brother. Omkar is shocked. Neel says he has no siblings. Omkar thinks Neel has done a conspiracy to take revenge from him. Mayura comes to the hospital storeroom and sees Omkar there. Omkar tells Mayura that Neel is betraying her and planning a big conspiracy against her. Mayura says you are blaming the person, who had done my treatment without any advantage. She asks him to kill her. Omkar says why will I kill you? I will drink this and kill myself. Mayura says do whatever you want, I really don’t care. Omkar takes poison and is about to drink, but Mayura pushes the bottle down. She says I don’t trust you. Omkar asks if she will believe him if sees with his eyes.

Neel comes to the hospital. Doctor says he will bring the reports, all tests are normal. Neel says he will take revenge for his brother, promises Kundan. He thinks Mayura is coming to my Pinjara, from Omkar’s pinjara, if this is the way to ruin him then that’s it.

Omkar brings Mayura to the same ward and asks her to see Kundan, Neel’s brother and says he is the same Kundan with whom Megha was about to marry. Mayura is shocked and looks at the patient’s face. Omkar says Neel is betraying you. Mayura says he is not Kundan. Omkar gets shocked to see someone else on Kundan’s bed.

He says Neel might have known that we are coming here and that’s why did this. They go out. Neel is standing far and says now see what I will do.

Neel thinking it is good that I saw them coming here. Mayura says I don’t know why I come in your talks. She says Neel said that he has no brother. Omkar tells that he is not lying. Mayura says Kundan had eloped. Omkar says Kundan didn’t run away, I had kept him captive. Mayura is shocked. Omkar says I misunderstood him thinking he has bad sight on you, and sent that letter that day. He says I forced him to go missing, but later I released him knowing I was wrong. He apologizes to her. Neel thanks ward boy for lying down on Kundan’s place. Mayura tells Omkar that she will marry Neel only, says it is enough now, I have to go home as everyone will be discharged. Neel asks Omkar to go. Omkar says she is my wife. Neel says not for many days…Omkar sits in his car and goes. Neel sits on the bench and takes a glass bottle from the bin. He injures both his hand with the glass bottles. Mayura comes home and asks his family if they are fine. They say yes. Mayura says she wants to tell them something and is about to say Kun…just then Neel comes there injured and falls down, acts to get unconscious. Omkar talks to the lawyer and tells that they have to expose Neel. Lawyer says Neel is very clever and didn’t leave any proof. Neel tells Mayura that Omkar blamed him saying that he wants to do bad with her. He says if she doubts his intention then tell him, he will leave. Akhilesh, Dadi and Surekha tell that Omkar shall go away from our lives. Mayura says once Omkar and my marriage becomes null, then I want to marry you in the temple. Neel thanks her and says I will never disappoint you. Akhilesh says you have taken the right decision. Mayura looks at the mangalsutra which Omkar made her wear that day. She goes.

Omkar rings the temple bells and asks God to expose Neel’s truth infront of Mayura. Mayura finds Neel’s phone receiving a message. She reads that the message is about his brother. Mayura is shocked. Omkar prays to God still. Mayura receives the call on Neel’s mobile and the person on call asks Neel to shift his brother Kundan to other hospital, as Omkar’s men is keeping eye on the hospital. Mayura gets shocked and calls him, but Omkar is ringing the temple bells and don’t pick her calls. She says you want to save me from Neel, and is really changed. Omkar asks God to expose Neel. Mayura calls Omkar again. Neel comes and snatches phone from her hand. Her family members come there. Mayura tells them that Neel is Kundan’s brother and wants to take revenge from us, as Omkar troubled him a lot. Neel brushes off her hands and says yes, I am his real brother…you know what Omkar has done with Kundan. He says now it is my turn to take revenge, now I will ruin you both. He holds her angrily. His goon comes and aims gun at them. Neel says Omkar will be ruined this time and asks her to think, if he can harm himself to trap Omkar, then what he can do with her family. Mayura asks Akhilesh to call Police. Akhilesh is about to call Police, when Neel takes phone from his hand. He asks if they behave this way with damad. Mayura says I will not marry you. Neel shows papers and says your marriage with Omkar is annulled. He says marriage will happen, but with me.

Omkar finds Mayura’s missed calls and calls her, but the number is switched off. He goes from there. Omkar’s car goes past the ambulance, but he doesn’t see them. Neel says he has taken this way to go from here. Mayura asks Neel to leave her family and tells that Omkar is really repenting his deeds, whatever he did with Kundan. Neel says he just wants their barbadi. Omkar comes to Mayura’s home and finds it locked. He asks someone, who tells that Neel took them in ambulance. Omkar calls hospital and asks if Neel came there. Nurse says no. Mayura signs Dadi to distract Neel, while she throws her things from the ambulance. She thinks she is sure that her Omkar will search her. She throws her chain with Om from the ambulance, and thinks Omkar shall see it.

Omkar didn’t notice her bangles etc, but finds chain hanging in a small temple on the way. He says your Omkar is coming and will not let anything happen to you.