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Boxer Conor Benn is being investigated over claims that he failed another drugs test

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British professional boxer, Conor Benn is being investigated over claims he failed another drugs test prior to the one which forced the 11th-hour cancellation of last Saturday night’s fight with Chris Eubank Jnr.


The new claim is likely questions over the ability of the British boxing authorities to conduct effective drug-testing procedures.


That Benn now appears to have previously tested positive for what is claimed to be the identical drug that saw his fight with Chris Eubank Jnr to be called off. He now risks a ban that could be longer than the customary four-year suspension for a single violation, which could keep this 26-year-old out of the ring into his thirties.

“A few of us have known about this earlier test for some time,’ Frank Warren, Britain’s senior boxing promoter, said. ‘That makes it even more of a scandal. More damaging to our sport than everyone thought.’


One eminent source in world boxing, when pressed to confirm the hitherto undisclosed positive finding, said on condition of anonymity: ‘Yes. Earlier this year. Same stuff.’


That substance, clomifene, was originally created as a fertility aid for women but when used by men is a powerful testosterone booster and a drugs masker banned in all mainstream sports, Olympic athletics and cycling included.