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Danny Bonaduce to Undergo Brain Surgery After Health Issues

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Former actor and current radio host Danny Bonaduce is set to take a medical leave from his show. Bonaduce revealed that he will undergo brain surgery due to a recent health scare.


What type of surgery is Danny Bonaduce getting?

In a recent post to Instagram, Bonaduce said that he would take a ā€œtemporary medical leaveā€ from his radio show. Bonaduce said that he will share more as he can, but in an interview with TMZ, revealed the surgery is an effort to recover from a mystery illness.

In the interview, Bonaduce has recently had trouble walking, and would spend his days speaking to ā€œhundredsā€ of doctors trying to figure out what the issue was.

ā€œMy life was talking to doctors. I had meetings with five doctors on one single day, and nobody could figure out what it was,ā€ Bonaduce said. ā€œAnd I thought, ā€˜Well, this is a big deal. Iā€™m falling down now. That canā€™t be good.ā€™ā€

Bonaduce went on to note that he will soon undergo brain surgery. Doctors will drain some of the excess liquid in his brain with a shunt. From what heā€™s been told, and if the hydrocephalus diagnosis is correct, he would have about a 50% chance of being better right after the surgery.

ā€œFrom what I hear, if the diagnosis is correct and itā€™s hydrocephalus, it will be 50 percent better right out [of surgery],ā€ Bonaduce said, noting that he doesnā€™t ā€œwant to get my hopes up too much that Iā€™ll be cured.ā€

ā€œUnfortunately right now, and I donā€™t mean to be a sorry guy, but I will be completely bummed out if this doesnā€™t work,ā€ said Bonaduce. ā€œI canā€™t walk correctly. I just canā€™t. Ten percent would be great, but Iā€™m going for a full-blown [fix]ā€¦ Iā€™m never going to run track, Iā€™m never gonna box again, but if I can get from here to the kitchen on my own, bravo!ā€