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OceanBay Estate Residents say they are still at the mercy of ‘tyrannical’ service provider, Octo5

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Residents of OceanBay Estate have released a statement addressing the high cost of electricity bill being issued to them by service provider, Octo5, each month.

Read the statement below…

The Service Provider still milking residents of the estate dry despite their earlier protests that went viral. Having been reconnected to the national grid after 18 months of disconnection due to Octo5’s mismanagement of funds paid for power by residents, the Service provider has struck again by demanding residents pay N190/KWh despite EKEDC charging the estate N52/KWh, citing 4hrs of running diesel generators as the excuse. 

Octo 5 had also unilaterally doubled the cost of water without any explanation. 

The service provider, which is a subsidiary of Octo5 Holdings, have made claims in the media that they have been providing premium services and continue to market the estate as paradise on earth, yet residents continue to suffer despicable service and infrastructure. To make matters worse, Octo 5 insist that each resident must buy a minimum of N76,000 to N95,000 of power per month or be disconnected from power altogether.