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Full List: ISIS Releases Names of ISWAP Commanders Killed By Nigerian Army

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A list of Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) commanders killed by the Nigerian Army has been released by the terrorist group.

According to DailyTrust, ISWAP said their commanders were killed by soldiers and Multinational Joint Task Force operatives following the continued attack on the terrorists in Lake Chad and the fringes of Sambisa forest.

According to an intelligence report, troops of the Nigerian Army had some weeks ago stormed the camp of the terrorists, which harboured more than 3,000 ISWAP fighters.

The troops and the ISWAP terrorists were locked in a gun battle which lasted for more than three hours during the encounter.

It was learned that many ISWAP commanders were killed and two commanders were arrested by the troops. It was also gathered that the camp was led by top commanders led by one Abu Ikilima.

A source told Daily Trust that three Khayds (governors), three Munzul (commanding officers), 1 Nakib (commander) of the Boko Haram as well as several other fighters were killed during the attack.

Below are the names of the slain ISWAP senior leaders:

Abu Musab al-Yobawi

Abu Nu’man al-Amni

Abu Abdullah al-Barnawi

Abu ‘Ammara al-Barnawi

Abu Anas al-I’alami

Abdul Malik al-Barnawi

Abu Sufyan al-I’alami

Shaykh Abu Bakr al-Da’wi

Abu Usama Goneri

Abu Sa’d al-Ansari

Abu Jabbar al-Barnawi

Abu Anas al-Barnawi

Abu Abdul Rahman al-Katsanawi

Abu Maryam al-Gaidami

Abu Salman al-Ansari

Baka Goneiri

Abu Mustafa al-‘Askari

Farooq al-Barnawi

Abu Ahmad al-I’alami

Al-Qassim Al-Barnawi

Mustafa al-Barnawi

Abbas al-Ansari

Musa al-Ansari