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“Don’t act like you aren’t” Mariah Carey calls Meghan Markle a “diva” in new podcast

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Mariah Carey was a guest on Meghan Markle’s Archetypes podcast and the singer told the Duchess of Sussex that she has “diva moments”.

In Tuesday’s episode, Markle, 41, and Mariah Carey, 53, had a conversation about the word “diva” and how it has a negative connotation when describing women. At one point, Markle described how the term has become a significant part of Careyā€™s image.

Meghan said she does not personally “connect to” the “diva persona” but Mariah Carey interrupted and told her that she has diva moments.

Meghan was saying: “ā€¦ I think thatā€™s really important for people to remember that there might be this persona. And yes, the diva thing we can play into. I mean, itā€™s not something I connect to. But, it, for you itā€™s been a huge part of yourā€¦”

Mariah then interrupted, saying to Meghan: “You give us diva moments sometimes, Meghan.”

Meghan appeared flustered, asking, “I do? What kind of diva moments did I give you?”

“Donā€™t even act like ā€“ donā€™t like,” Carey responded.

“See thatā€™s the thing, I associate it differently,” Markle later said

Carey then clarified that she meant Markleā€™s “visual[s]” and not her personality. She added that she “didnā€™t mean” anything by the comment and was “playing” with the former actress.

Mariah Carey said: “I know, but letā€™s pretend that you didnā€™t ā€“ werenā€™t so beautiful and didnā€™t have the whole thing and didnā€™t often have gorgeous ensembles. You wouldnā€™t get, maybe get as much diva stuff. I donā€™t care. Iā€™m like, ‘When I can, Iā€™m going to give you diva.'”

Later in the podcast, Markle reflected on how Careyā€™s statement initially made her “sweat”.

Meghan explained: “So though my fan-girling was tempered today, I um, I kind of think she could tellā€¦ But that aside, it was all going swimmingly, I mean really well. Until that moment happened, which I don’t know about you, but it stopped me in my tracksā€¦ when she called me a diva!

“You couldn’t see me, obviously, but I, I started to sweat a little bit. I started squirming in my chair in this quiet revolt, like, wait, wait, no, what? How? But? How could you? That’s not true, that’s notā€¦ Why would you say that? My mind genuinely was just spinning with what nonsense she must have read or clicked on to make her say that. I just kept thinking, in that moment, was my girl crush coming to a quick demise? Does she actually not see me?”

Markle said Carey quickly clarified what she meant, which then put her at ease.

Meghan Markle said: “She must have felt my nervous laughter, and you all wouldā€™ve heard it too. And she jumped right in to make sure I was crystal clear. When she said ā€˜diva,ā€™ she was talking about the way that I dress, the posture, the clothing, the ā€˜fabulousnessā€™ as she sees it. She meant diva as a compliment. But I heard it as a dig. I heard it as the word ā€˜diva,ā€™ as I think of it.”

Meghan continued: “But, in that moment, as she explained to me, she meant it as chic, as aspirational. And how one very charged word can mean something different for each of us, itā€™s mind-blowing to me. And it actually made me realize that in these episodes, as I’ve opened the door for conversation surrounding the archetypes that try to hold us back, what I hadn’t considered was that for some, reclaiming the words is what they feel will propel us forward.”