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Delta: Youths protest alleged killing of 27-year-old man by military personnel in Burutu

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Crisis is currently brewing in Ogulagha community, Burutu Local Government Area of Delta State, following the alleged killing of a 27-year-old man, identified as Endurance Oweiye Kalaepele, by military men attached to the Forcados Terminal.

lt was gathered that Kalaepele was reportedly shot twice by military men on 27th of June, 2022 at about 11:04pm.

Youth president of Ogulagha community, Mr. ThankGod Iyaragba, who narrated the incident to reporters, said Kalaepele and five other boys of the community went on snail hunting behind the Forcados Terminal (pipeline bush) but were intercepted by military men while on their way back.

In the process, Kalaepele tried to run away out of fear, but was reportedly shot twice at close range by the military men.

Irked by the incident, youths of the community went on rampage, destroying company vehicles and other valuables.

According to him, the youths have blocked major roads in the community to express their anger.

When contacted, Chairman of Burutu Local Government Council, Hon. Godknows Angele confirmed the story, but noted that the situation has been brought under control by the police.