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“Baba Ijesha NOT found guilty of rape” Yomi Fabiyi says his colleague should be allowed to appeal his 16-year jail sentence and Princess should be punished for parental negligence

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Yomi Fabiyi has taken to Instagram to continue to speak up for his disgraced colleague Olanrewaju James, aka Baba Ijesha.

An Ikeja Special Offences Court on Thursday, July 14, convicted Baba Ijesha of indecent treatment of a child, sexual assault, and attempted sexual assault in a 2-hour judgement.

He was however discharged and acquitted of count one and count six, which were: sexual assault by penetration and attempted sexual assault by penetration.

Baba Ijesha was then sentenced to 16 years in jail.

Reacting after his sentencing, Yomi Fabiyi ignored the other charges Baba Ijesha was found guilty of and focused on the one he was acquired of.

He wrote: “The DEFENDANT(Baba Ijesha) NOT found guilty of The defilement(rape) with CAR KEY as charged(1&6) for lack of evidence, which he still denied ever committing BUT has been found guilty of few other charges bothering on sexual assault(as seen in the video 2,3,4,5). Any indecent act against children is unacceptable and I have never and will never support such.”

He also added that Princess should be punished for parental negligence.

He continued: “CHILDREN ARE MEANT TO BE PROTECTED. And I will insist that PARENTAL NEGLIGENCE is equally punishable under section 30(3) Child Rights Act. It is an imprisonment for ten years!”

He went on to say that Baba Ijesha should be allowed to appeal his sentence.

“However, if the defendant insists that he is innocent of the other charges. It is within his rights if he chooses to appeal. And if he exhausts all options and the judgement stands, he should serve his term and I hope he will learn his lessons and turn a new leaf.

Baba Ijesha NOT found guilty of rape - Yomi Fabiyi says his colleague should be allowed to appeal his 16-year jail sentence and Princess should be punished for parental negligence
Baba Ijesha NOT found guilty of rape – Yomi Fabiyi says his colleague should be allowed to appeal his 16-year jail sentence and Princess should be punished for parental negligence

Watch Yomi speak after the sentencing in the video below.

    “Baba Ijesha NOT found guilty of rape” Yomi Fabiyi says his colleague should be allowed to appeal his 16-year jail sentence and Princess should be punished for parental negligence - Garland - Jul 15, 2022 2:26 pm

    Yomi Fabiyi Tah great! Tah getat! Tah Tah Tah getat
