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Abducted Kaduna Catholic priest regains freedom

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The Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan, Kaduna State, has confirmed the release of Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Silas, barely 24 hours after he was abducted by some armed men.

Silas was kidnapped from the parish rectory at St. Charles Catholic Church in Zambina, Kauru Local Government Area of Kaduna State, in the early hours of Monday.

In a statement, the Chancellor of the Diocese, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Okolo, thanked everyone who offered prayers for the quick release of the priest.

β€œWith hearts filled with joy, we raise our voices in a symphony of praises as we announce the return of our brother, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Silas.

β€œHe was abducted by armed persons from the parish rectory at St. Charles Catholic Church, Zambina, in Kauru Local Government Area, in the early hours of Monday, July 4th 2022,” the statement read.