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‘Dirty Dancing’ actress tells Harvey Weinstein’s LA rape trial that movie producer pushed her onto a bed and performed a sex act on her face

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‘Dirty Dancing’ actress has testified that the movie mogul  Harvey Weinstein pushed her onto a hotel room bed and performed a sex act on top of her. The woman, known only as Ashley M., broke down in tears as she told a Los Angeles courtroom how Weinstein had sexually assaulted her and demanded that she give him a ‘naked massage’.  

movie mogul  Harvey Weinstein
movie mogul Harvey Weinstein

Ashley M. told the court she was 22 years old when she met Weinstein on the set of his movie ‘Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights’ in Puerto Rico as she was working as a dancing double for one of the movie’s stars. She told the jury that Weinstein took her to a hotel in the country where he ripped off her clothes, straddled her before performing a sex act on himself while touching her breasts. Ashley M. was visibly upset and cried during her testimony on Thursday during the trial where Weinstein is charged with rape and sexual assault. She told the jury: ‘

He just said ‘it’s OK, it’s not like we’re having sex’.’   Describing what happened after Weinstein had finished his sex act, she told the jury: ‘I was just really thankful that I wasn’t raped. I remember thinking and I remember wiping off just getting dressed really fast and leaving really fast.’Ashley M said that she had been ‘freaked out’ after meeting Weinstein on the movie set but the presence of and reassurance of his assistant, Bonnie Hung, convinced her it was OK to go with him to his hotel.  

She said that Hung had told her that she would remain with the two of them the entire time, and that he just wanted to talk about future projects. But as they walked down the hall of Weinstein’s hotel toward a door, she said: ‘I started to get more worried, but Bonnie was there with her clipboard.’ ‘Harvey opened it and then he went in and I went in,’ she said, pausing as she began to cry.

‘And then Bonnie shut the door behind us. I was like, “oh no, what do I do?”‘ She said Weinstein quickly became aggressive, pushing her onto the bed and taking her top off before performing a sex act on top of her.Ashley M. was the second Weinstein accuser to take the stand at the trial, and the first of four who are not involved in the charges him but are being allowed to testify to show a propensity for such acts by Weinstein. 

Judge Lisa B. Lench told jurors before the woman’s testimony that they would receive instructions later on how to consider it.Weinstein, already serving a 23-year sentence for a New York conviction that is under appeal, has pleaded not guilty in Los Angeles to four counts of rape and seven other counts of sexual assault. He has repeatedly denied engaging in any non-consensual sex.