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A touch of love on glow tv, Tuesday 5th July 2022 update

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Episode starts with Dhruv saying I won’t let Thapki wear the ring, I will stop this engagement Thapki. Sinha calls Shraddha and asks her to leave that home, and come back. Shraddha says what are you saying, I can bear their annoyance to live such lifestyle, I m happy here, don’t think I will come back. She says how can dad think I will leave this house, where can I get such lifestyle, I want that ring, I deserve that ring, not Thapki.

A touch of love series
A touch of love series

READ PREVIOUS: Click here to read Monday 4th July 2022 update

Dhruv heats the heating rod and says its impossible to hold this, think Bihaan what will happen when you hold this, your hand will get burnt and you can’t wear the ring. He goes out and asks Bihaan to find the heating rod, Bau ji needs it to heat water
for bath. Bihaan looks for the rod. Shraddha goes to house temple and sees the rings. She says its same ring like Thapki’s, but this is fake diamond, its good I got this from market in time, I will change this with Thapki’s ring. She changes the rings and takes diamond ring.

Vasundara comes and Shraddha drops the ring in shock. The ring falls under the table. Vasundara asks what were you doing here. Shraddha says I came to pray and goes. Vasundara sees the rings kept and goes. Bihaan sees the rod and goes to pick it. Thapki stops him and says its hot, your hand would have got burnt. He asks how do you know. She says see the carpet, its burning, see that smoke. Bihaan says I did not see it. Dhruv looks on and goes. She asks who did this. He says don’t know. She holds his hand and worries. He says you are always with me now, don’t be scared, be happy, show me your big smile. They smile. He says Ghazab…..

Suman and Preeti also go to swap ring so that they can wear it before Thapki does. Preeti changes the ring with the fallen one, and real ring gets placed in the box, while the fake one falls. Shraddha goes there and asks what are they doing. They leave. Shraddha thinks to find the ring, it fell down here. She finds the ring there and gets it. She smiles.

Dhruv races the bike in anger. Bihaan comes and Dhruv stops. Bihaan asks Dhruv where is he going with bike. Dhruv says I have imp work, I have to do arrangements for your marriage, can I take your bike, but I felt there is some problem in your bike, do you know any mechanic. Bihaan says I m mechanic myself and checks the tyre, while Dhruv is racing. Bihaan’s hand gets cut, and he screams. Dhruv says so sorry, I did not see, is it hurting a lot.

Bihaan says its aching a lot. Dhruv does the aid to his hand and says I think its small fracture, we will visit doctor, health is imp. Bihaan says there is something more imp than myself, Thapki and her happiness. Bihaan asks him not to say anyone. Dadi comes with Thapki and gives Bihaan his clothes to wear in engagement. He hides his wound and has pain. He says its good. Thapki asks what happened, are you fine. Bihaan says yes, its my engagement today. Dhruv tries to say, and Bihaan stops him. Thapki asks why did you keep kerchief on hand. Bihaan makes excuse and lies to them. They leave.

Later, Bihaan sees Thapki and everyone happy. Dhruv tells Bihaan to cancel engagement, as he is unable to bear the pain. Bihaan removes the bandage and asks Dhruv to see Thapki’s smile, this engagement will happen today. Dhruv gets angry.

Everyone wait for the groom Bihaan. Bihaan comes there. Dadi asks Bihaan to make Thapki wear the ring. Shraddha thinks Thapki’s fate is bad, she got fake ring. The jeweler comes there. Bau ji says you are our family jeweler, you made Bihaan and Thapki’s rings. The jeweler sees the rings. He stops them and says I think this ring diamond has some problem, I want to check it. Bau ji says why not, and gives the ring. Shraddha, Suman and Preeti worry. The jeweler checks ring. Shraddha thinks how she swapped the ring. Preeti checks how she changed the ring. The man says sorry, I did mistake, its real diamond. Shraddha and Preeti get shocked. Thapki takes ring to make Bihaan wear it. She asks Bihaan why is his hand shaking and worries.

Thapki asking Bihaan why is his hands shaking. Vasundara says maybe by happiness. Bihaan says yes, I m very happy. Thapki makes him wear ring. Everyone clap. Dadi asks Bihaan to make Thapki wear ring now. Dhruv says I can’t see more. Bihaan and everyone look at him. Bau ji asks what. Dhruv says Bihaan’s hand is not shaking by happiness, his hand is shaking by pain, his hand came in bike tyre, I told him to meet doctor. Thapki worries for Bihaan. Bihaan says its small wound, this day and moment is very special for us, no pain can snatch this moment from us, I m happy, this engagement should not stop. Dhruv thinks I will make Thapki wear ring and goes.

Suman asks Sanjay to see Bihaan’s love. Bau ji asks Bihaan to make Thapki wear the ring. Dhruv blows the fuse
and the lights go. It turns dark. Sanjay goes to check lights. Dhruv takes the ring and sees Thapki. He holds Thapki’s hand. She looks at Bihaan. Dhruv is about to put ring on her finger. Bihaan says temple diya is burning, we will use that. Everyone go towards temple. Dhruv gets angry. Dadi asks where is the ring. Ashwin says Dhruv has the ring. Dhruv is lost. Dadi asks Dhruv how do you have this ring. Dhruv says I was getting it here and passes ring to Bihaan.

Dhruv thinks I will make her wear the ring and holds Bihaan’s hand. Thapki asks Dhruv not to worry, I will help Thapki. She holds Bihaan’s hand and he makes her wear the ring. They smile.

Later, Thapki cares for Bihaan’s hand and asks him to remove the ring. He says its of your love, it will never get removed now. She ties bandage to his hand and kisses. He gets ache. She says sorry, it pained. He says there is pain here too, and asks her to kiss. She kisses on his finger. He asks her to kiss on his cheek too. They smile. Muskarane ki…………plays………………. She says you know Bihaan, why engagement ring is made to wear in this finger, as this finger has nerve connecting to our heart, when you made me wear ring, it linked to me and my heart lined to you, and till my last breath…. He stops her from saying and says I m alive because of you, I won’t let anything happen to you.

Shraddha thinks I changed Thapki’s ring, how did she get real ring. Preeti also comes there and thinks same. Preeti and Shraddha collide and the rings fall. Suman asks Shraddha does she not have eyes. Preeti picks the ring and takes Suman. Shraddha picks a ring too and thinks I got relieved. Dhruv claps and is angry. He asks Lord are you happy to get Thapki married to Bihaan, you talk about real love, why did you do this, you know I love Thapki. He gets angry and thinks to do something.

Its morning, Thapki sees the gifts and realizes its her birthday. She says Bihaan knew my birthday and arranged this. Dhruv wishes her happy birthday and gives her flowers. She thanks him. He asks how did you like these gifts. She says it means you.,…. He says its from me and family. Everyone come and wish her birthday. Thapki takes elder’s blessings. Bihaan comes and asks Thapki is it your birthday today, why did you not tell me. Dadi says Dhruv told us. Dhruv asks Bihaan to wish her now. Bihaan says yes, and wishes Thapki in his style. Preeti asks Bihaan will he just say this, Ashwin lifted me in arms and… Ashwin coughs. Vasundara says everyone understood, stop it, I think we should leave Thapki and Bihaan alone, its special day today, as they don’t have to meet till marriage, so we can allow today. They all go. Dhruv looks on and goes.

Bihaan asks Thapki not to forget him. She says this won’t happen. He asks what gift do you want, diamond necklace or….. She says no, get anything small, by your earnings.

Dhruv looks on angrily. Bihaan agrees to Thapki. He goes to jewelry shop to buy a gift for Thapki, and tells the jeweler that he wants to buy necklace for his wife. The man shows costly necklaces. Bihaan says my budget is low, its my hard earned money. The man asks whats your budget, we have nothing less than 5000rs. Bihaan says Ghazab, I just have 2000rs. The man says this is jewelry shop, not toy shop and asks him to leave. Bihaan introduces himself. The man asks him to come when he will have money. Bihaan goes.

Dhruv looks on and asks the man to show some costly necklace. The man shows a diamond necklace of 10 lakhs. Dhruv says beautiful…. And smiles. Keep visiting blastersseries.com for fastest updates.

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