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NAICOM, NAIC assure flood victims of prompt claim settlement

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The National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) and the Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Corporation (NAIC) have assured prompt settlement of claims due to policyholders affected in the recent flood disaster across the federation.

Speaking on the development at an industry forum in Lagos, the Head of Corporate Communications and Market Development, NAICOM, Rasaaq Salami, assured affected policyholders of the commission’s commitment towards ensuring prompt settlement of claims by insurance companies.

The Assistant General Manager of Corporate Services, Nigerian Agricultural Insurance Corporation (NAIC), Magdalene Omosimua, who also spoke, said: “NAIC sympathises with flood victims in the country. The corporation shares the pains and agony of victims and stands with them during this trying period.

“As a responsive organisation, we are using this medium to assure our insured clients that their genuine claims will be given utmost urgent attention to enable them to go back to living their normal productive lives.

“NAIC wishes to advise that property and business endeavours of our citizens be promptly insured to guarantee the sustainability of existing jobs, income stabilisation, food security, poverty alleviation and wealth creation.”