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Insurers plan investiture for new chairman

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The Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA) has revealed plans to organise an investiture for the 25th chairman of the association in the industry.

The NIA is the umbrella organisation of all underwriting companies in the country and the investiture ceremony of its new chairman formally heralds the change of leadership, including the principal officers of the association.

The Chairman of the Investiture Committee, Kunle Ahmed, who spoke to The Guardian at the weekend on the arrangement for the 25th chairman of the association, Olusegun Omosehin, said: “We want to use this investiture ceremony to make a bold statement that insurance has taken its place in the financial service sector.

“We hope that guests will go home with a clear understanding of the agenda of the new chairman for the association during his tenure, which will impact insurance practice and the economy at large.

We are looking forward to the best investiture ever.”