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Bruno Guimaraes signs new five-year Newcastle contract

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Newcastle United have confirmed that midfield superstar Bruno Guimaraes has signed a new five-year contract at St James’ Park.

A big-money signing from Lyon in January 2022, Guimaraes has quickly made himself a fan-favourite at Newcastle, making 67 appearances in all competitions and drawing interest from a number of Europe’s top sides in the process.

Despite the interest from elsewhere, Guimaraes’ focus has long been on signing an extension with Newcastle and the Magpies have now confirmed the deal is done.

“I’m absolutely delighted. The fans have made me feel at home since my first day here and I feel so loved in my life,” he said after signing his new contract.

“I’m so happy here. It’s a place that is so comfortable to be and I hope to keep making the supporters happy and helping the team do well. That’s my goal, because there are no words to describe how happy I am to be here.

“I remember in my first interview, I said I wanted to play for this club in the Champions League and now it’s happening. We are doing so well and when I look around the pitch at my team-mates, I am so proud of them all. I’m proud of everyone; the team, the staff, the owners and the fans.

“The city believes again and it’s unbelievable what we have done for the team. I hope that this can continue. It’s amazing what has happened in my life in the last two years.”

Manager Eddie Howe added: “I’m delighted to get Bruno signed and committed to the long-term future of the football club. He’s such an important player and he’s done so well since he joined the club. He’s been a huge success since he’s been here so I just hope that he can continue in that vein and carry on his success with us.

“I think he epitomises the recent success we’ve had. He’s put in so many good displays, he’s very consistent and he’s got a great personality off the pitch as well.

“He cares very deeply about Newcastle United and the success of the club and he’s got a great relationship with our supporters. He’s been a key signing for us – definitely the type of signing that we want to make.”

With Guimaraes’ contract now sorted, 90min understands the focus will turn to rewarding another Brazilian, with fellow midfielder Joelinton in line for talks over a new contract.