Frequently Asked Questionns (FAQ)
Below are Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about distribution on Wikirise – News, forum and search. This page tend to help our users and web visitors perform activities on the website easily.
How do I create a new post?
To create a new post on Wikirise, you are required to have a Wikirise account to create a new article—you will have to Register or Login to your existing Wikirise account. When this is achieved click on the create post under My account Menu Tab menu on the Fly drop down menu, then fill in your post title, content, category and other required fields and click the submit or submit & preview button.
What happens after posting?
Well after posting on Wikirise, your posts might be subject to approval by any wikirise team member some times automatically approved, your posts must meet the requirements, and any spam posts full of links will not be approved and will be deleted further. Please do well to read our posting guidelines.
How do I edit a post?
You will only have the right to edit your own posts, and to do that click on my post drop down menu under profile, you would see the post which you created by your self, then click edit button on the specific post you wish to edit, perform the editing then click save or save & preview.
Can i earn from
Actually to earn from you will need to be a premium author, of which you will need to contact Wikirise Team to apply. Click here to view our contact us page. To understand more on how Wikirise earnings is for our premium authors click here
How do I change my username/delete my account?
Wikirise do not offer members the ability to change their username, but if you wish to delete your account click on your Account on the fly drop down menu, scroll down you would see delete account button click it and confirm submission.
Who writes the articles on Wikirise?
Almost all articles on Wikirise are written by multiple members, not just one. If you click on the “members” drop down menu tab below profile, a list will be displayed of all the members and contributors to wikirise articles of which you can view their profiles.
Note; you must be logged in to achieve all this.
Can I rely on Wikirise for advice on medical, legal, financial, safety, and other critical issues?
In a word, no. If you need specific advice (for example, medical, legal, financial or risk management) please seek a professional who is licensed or knowledgeable in that area. That is not to say that you will not find valuable and accurate information in Wikirise; much of the time you will. However, Wikirise cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here. The content of any given article may recently have been changed, vandalized or altered by someone whose opinion does not correspond with the state of knowledge in the relevant fields. See Wikirise: General disclaimer for more cautionary information.
Why am I having trouble logging in?
There could be many reason why you might not be able to log in, it could be your web/browser settings or you could be using the wrong account credentials so but we suggest you make sure your internet connection is okay, clear your browser cookies, cache, history and endeavor to use the right login credentials. If the login error persist please visit our contact us page and use any medium listed to get through us.
We are updating this page please come back for more FAQ updates!!